Chapter 23

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-Alpha's (Samael's) POV-

I walked into the dingy old cell, to see the boy, Gage, sleeping. With a smug smirk, I walked up to him, sending a kick to his stomach. He groaned, jumping up. He rubbed his eyes, before seeing me. He then tensed up, a growl rumbling through his throat.

"Where am I? What have you done to Avril?" He snapped, in a lethal voice.

I shrugged, unamused by his words.

"If you come willingly, you'll know exactly what happened to Avril. She requested for you, and after what happened, I want her as comfortable as possible. You'll see her whether you like it or not." I examined my nails as I spoke.

Gage growled. "What did you do to her?!" He yelled.

I looked up at him, remaining bored. "Nothing. She went into labor early and delivered a preemie baby. You can choose to not see the baby, but if I were you, I'd be begging me to show you back to the cell."

Gage's posture relaxed, though he seemed happier.

"Can you take me to her?" He asked, in an even, polite tone.

I nodded, before leading him back to the cell. This kidnapping thing has become a sick joke. Now I have to ask whether they want to go into the cell. Its just sad.

-Avril's POV-

I breast-fed Jadis, before burping her. As I was buttoning my shirt, the door to the dungeon opened, and in strode two people. Samael and Gage. Before I could blink, Gage was trying to get to me and the baby. Samael threw Gage back, unlocking the door, before shoving Gage in. When the door was bolted up again, and Gage and I were alone in the dim dungeon.


"Holy shit, Avril, you had the baby? I'd like to know the gender, so will you let me see the baby?" He said.

I turned so he could see Jadis, and she made a sound that sounded like a gasp.

"Whats her name?" Gage asked, when I faced him.

"Jadis. I wanted you to pick the middle name. I want it to be your name for her. Like she's yours." I said. I had decided a while ago Gage would be her god-uncle. And since he can't have a child, since he doesn't have a mate, I want him to have Jadis in his life, and vice versa.

"Like she's mine, huh...Mia. I like Mia." He said after a moment of pondering.

"You wanna hold her?" I asked. "I've already done everything. Soon she'll be ready for a nap. I've got to eat. I'm starving."

Gage shrugged, so I handed Jadis over to him. She clutched onto his shirt with her tiny fists, her head on his shoulder. He looked so adorable with Jadis, that I had to smile. Gage caught me smiling, and smirked.

"What?" He asked, his voice sounding a little humorous.

"You and her are adorable together. I swear, that baby is going to fall in love with you. I can totally see her in a few years always asking for Uncle Gage." I said, as I sat on the bed. I grabbed the tray of food, lifting the dome. Today is was some french-bread, along with a small bowl of spaghetti, and a glass of water. I inhaled the food, before looking at Gage. He was making sounds at her, which caused her stir.

"Mia." He purred at her.

Her blue eyes opened, directed at him, as a questioning look took over her baby face. Gage smiled down at her. Jadis's little fists reached up towards Gage's hair. She latched onto his hair, gripping his golden locks in her little fists.

"I think she likes your hair." I said with a giggled.

Gage feigned hurt. "How could she? Just like her mother! All you women like is my hair." He said in mock her.

I giggled even harder.

"You're so full of it." I shook my head.

Gage only stuck his tongue out, before handing me baby Jadis.

-Landon's POV-

"Search all of the uncharted territories for any wolf sightings." I commanded to Alek and Aden, who immediately bolted out of the room. I sighed, sitting down in my leather chair. Before I could blink, Avril's voice flooded my mind.

Landon. I'm fine, before you ask. So is Mia...Er, Jadis, and Gage. She said.

I cocked my head to the side, as a spur of the moment question hit me. When Avril and I were at the beach, a wolf attacked us, but ran off when they learned who Avril was. Could he have been the rogue that took her?

I have a quick question. I told her.

Yeah? She replied.

Remember when you took me on that date, to that beach you found...And that wolf tried to attack us, but ran off in submission when he found out who I was? Do you remember what he said? I asked.

A picture of Avril nodding reached my mind, before she confirmed what I thought.

He said, 'You're in a restricted area. You must leave immediately.' He didn't hurt me, and when he found out who I was, he ran off. I thought I heard him saying something like, 'Alpha's gonna kill me...' Avril replied.

I froze. Had I known the rogue base all this time, and I didn't even realize! I closed the mind link with Avril, before opening one with Alek and Aden.

Guys. I figured out where they're at. Get here now. I ordered.

We're going to get my mate, my pup, and Gage back. And I'll kill the Alpha rogue for messing with my pack.

-Avril's POV-

When I awoke, I wasn't in the dungeon cell with Gage and Jadis. No, I was in the same grand bedroom I met Samael in. The flicked on. Speak of the devil. Samael sat in a leather chair, cradling Jadis, his eyes directly on me.

"Did I awake you?" Samael asked, the corner of his lips quirking up.

I scrambled up, and froze. The world around me spun, as I gripped onto the bed frame. The next thing I knew, Samael was in front of me, his hand on my forehead. As if he had magical fingers, my diziness stopped, and I could see clearly.

"What am I doing in here?" I hissed at him, taking Jadis from his hands.

"My dear, Avril. It hurts that you can't remember me. We were mates, in your past life." He said, flashing me a smile.

His WHAT?!


So...Ha ha ha...

Have I caught your attention?

Do you think Samael's insane, or truthful?

Do you think Landon's and Avril's wolves knew where she was all along?

What do you think of baby Jadis Mia Adele? Cute, or not?





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