Chapter 24

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  • Dedicated to All Of My Readers

-Landon's POV-

The twins, Aden, Alek, Derek, Silas, and I shifted, me in front. We took off running, towards the beach I found. The only thing I could think of was my mate and my baby. Are they hurt? Did they get hurt? Are they starving? Are they cold? Are they sick?

So help me god, when I find the man keeping our family from us, let me take over and kill them. My wolf growled.

We came to a stop at the beach. We shifted back, pulling sweat pants on. We canvassed the area, and soon enough, the twins found a cave.

We slowly creep inside, going farther, and farther into the cave, with only our enhanced vision keeping us going. We found a metal door at the end, our combined strength enough to tear the door off the hinges. We changed into our wolves, before bolting in.

We'll find you, Avril. I promise.

-Avril's POV-

"I'm sorry," I said with a chuckle. "I think I'm hearing you wrong. Did you just say in a past life I was your mate?"

Samael gave me a deadly serious nod.

"You're my mate. MINE. You died, but you came back to life as Avril. The same thing happened to you in the past life. You thought I rejected you, and you ran. But you never came back. This time you're mine. I'll make sure of it." Samael said, taking baby Jadis from my arms.

He set her in a crib, before shoving me onto the bed, climbing on top of me. He proceeded to crash his lips forcefully to mine, forcing my mouth open. When his tongue snaked into my mouth, the worst feeling of wrong washed through me. I fought and fought, yet nothing I did worked.

This is it. I'm going to die because of this man. He's going to forcefully use me, and then kill me.

A crashing sound snapped Samael off of me. Only to receive a punch to the face.

"Gage!" I gasped, as Gage continued to beat Samael. Gage kneed Samael in the crotch. When Samael fell, Gage changed into his wolf. His silver fur was streaked with blood as he bit and clawed at Samael, until there was no more struggling. Gage then changed back, pulling his clothes back on.

"Oh my god, Avril, are you okay. I heard you screaming, and I just-"

I tackled him with a hug, sobbing.

"I...He's insane, Gage. He was convinced I'm his mate, since I had a story similar to his missing mate. He tried to-"

Gage cut me off, stroking my hair.

"Its okay. Ssh...Its alright. I was so worried. I woke up and you were gone. Jadis too. I just...I lost control." Gage muttered under his breath, as he hugged me to him.

"Thank you." I said, getting on my tiptoes, and pecking his lips. Before I could pull away, Gage grabbed my head, forcing my lips back against his. I found myself moving my lips with his, his tongue running across my bottom lip.

A gasp forced me away from Gage. In the doorway, stood a shell-shocked Landon.

Oh, Crap.


Before I could finish, Landon's eyes went gold, as he strode in, throwing Gage to the wall. I must've seriously done something wrong in my life, to have to deal with this. My saviour being attacked by my mate.


Sorry, its kinda short, but this book is going to be wrapped up soon, sad, I know. BUT, I am planning on writing a sequel to it. So...

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