Extra: Gage

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  • Dedicated to All of My Supporters <3

--Gage's POV--

For starters, I'm not entirely disappointed with Avril's choice. Sure, I do love her, and sure, she doesn't feel the same way, but it was that love that kept me glued to her side, and even willed me to encourage her to leave. Maybe if I had felt indifference towards her, Avril would be stuck as an Omega to this day.

I have not entirely lost. Many of the females have heard my story, and I have scored a few dates, but I have still not found my other Avril. Maybe I will never get another Avril.

I have managed to keep myself in Avril's life, and patched things up with Landon, because deep down I know he cares for Avril. Even if he is an ass, I can tell he is an ass capable of love.

I sometimes wonder what a life with Avril would have been. Would we have had beautiful blonde haired, blue eyed children, taught to hate the Moon Bane pack for what they did to their mother? Or would we have taught them to be forgiven?

The closest Ill ever get to that family is my Mia, and her younger brother, Colton, and the child Avril is now expecting. I am happy to be in their life. I have had things rough, but things happen for a reason.

I know eventually, I will find my replacement mate, and who knows, maybe she'll know me from my side of Avril's story. Nightshade and Moon Bane have become rather famous. We dissembled the Rogue problems, starting with that bastard, Samael.

I do not plan to let the fame get to my head.

I will tell no more of the future, because every good story I have read, has left room for imagination.

Maybe you'll think I grew up mateless, and died quietly, with Avril by my side.

Maybe I'll win Avril back after an accident with Landon.

Maybe I'll find my mate.

It's okay to wonder, because that is what we all do about the future. I had once wondered about what would happen after Avril arrived to Nightshade. I never imagined she'd end up with Landon.

Keep that in mind when you finish this story for yourself; the future we get is always the last thing we expect.

Now tell me:

What did I do next?

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