Chapter 8

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-Landon's POV-

I got between the two fighting boys, growling at my pack member, Tyler, while Gage pulled the his pack member away.

"What happened?" I snapped at Tyler, who was fuming.

"He started hitting on my mate, and when I confronted him, he threw a punch at me! Its entirely his fault!" Tyler huffed.

I sighed, when I heard Gage say something to his pack member. "Derek, you're drunk."

The pack member, Derek, shook his head. "Nah, I'm not as think as you drunk I am!"

I shook my head, chuckling. I looked at Tyler, still shaking my head.

"The guy's wasted Tyler, leave it alone. If he continues to hit on her in the morning when he's sober, then come to me, or go talk to Alpha Gage." I said.

Tyler nodded, before walking off. I walked up to Gage and Avril, who were talking to a wasted Derek. They seemed to be telling Derek that he was drunk.

"I'm not that drunk, you guys!" Derek slurred.

"Whatever you say, Derek. Imma go get something that has no alcohol in it. I don't want to end up like that." Avril said, before turning around, to face me. We stared at each other for a minute, before a drunken voice snapped us out of it.

"Damn!" Derek slurred loudly.

"What, Derek?" Gage asked Derek patiently.

"Avril has a nice ass! Damn, the things I want to-"

I growled, my fists clenching. My wolf wasn't too happy with what this drunken idiot was saying about his mate, and for once, I agreed with him. If this guy touches or even talks about Avril like that again, he will have his head, and a few other limbs ripped off of him.

"And that is my cue to walk off with Landon." Avril sighed, grabbing my hand, and walking to the kitchen. I indulged myself in the sparks her touch gave me, not paying attention to what she drank.

After a few hours of being dragged around with Avril, she was definitely wasted. I swooped her up and over my shoulder, ignoring her attempts at getting down, as I climbed the stairs.

"No, I think I'm as drunk as you swear I'm not." She slurred, before giggling. "I sound stupid!"

I shook my head. I ignored her protests, as I took her to her room, setting her down on the bed. She refused to change into her clothes, even when I tried to force her into them. She was just too stubborn.

"Come on Avril, be a good girl, and stop fighting me. What if I take you to go get something at the mall tomorrow. Then will you go to sleep?" I asked her patiently.

"Only if you stay with me. This room is creepy, with all the people who are in here." She slurred.

I shook my head. What happened to the Avril that didn't want to end up wasted? What happened to the Avril that was dead tired three minutes ago? What was she even talking about?

"Fine. But you need to change into sleep clothes." I said.

"I don't want to. Its too hot." She complained, unzipping her dress. I blinked, blood rushing up to my face. I'd seen Avril practically naked when we were like, 7, but now, even if she is just wearing a club dress, I can't help the erotic thoughts it get! She kicked the dress off, sliding under her covers in just her bra and panties. She patted the area next to her on the bed.

"Lay down with me, Landey." Avril muttered, her eyes seeming to be fighting to stay open. I shrugged, taking off my shoes, and starting to get in with her.

"No pants or jackets in bed. No shirts either." She muttered sleepily.

I sighed. Why did drunk Avril have to be as difficult as sober Avril? I stripped down to just my boxers, before getting in with Avril. She snuggled against me, wrapping my arms around her abdomen.

"Goodnight Landon." She muttered.

"Night Avril. Love you." I said back, my eyes drifting closed as sleep caught up with me.

"Love you too." Was all I heard before I fell into a blissful sleep


I opened my eyes to see Avril smiling at me. She leaned in, pecking my lips as a hello. Her black hair was slightly messy, her eyes bright.

"Good morning, babe." She purred, her hands on my bare chest. "Sleep good?"

I nodded back, a grin on my face.

"Maybe we should have used protection. You never know," Avril sighed. "Maybe soon we'll have a new member of our family."

I froze. Last time I checked, Avril and I weren't even mated, but our FAMILY? How long was I asleep for?

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"Well, I had lots of fun last night, and we weren't exactly careful, so who knows. Maybe soon you'll be a daddy." She purred.

Again, with the baby stuff!? I haven't even marked her yet! And females can't even have children if they're not marked! I reached up to her head, brushing away her hair. There it was. Right under her earlobe, was a mark. It was elaborate, consisting of a cresent moon, and what seemed to be ivy, trailing from her mating mark, down her neck, and onto her shoulders. It was colored purely black, like a tattoo.

"Checking on your artwork?" She asked with a smirk. "Its on the other side too, since you got claim happy."

I frowned, before stuttering out. "N-No..We haven't mated, Avril. You just got here. You don't trust me-"

"Wake up, Landon. Wake up." Her voice rang out, but not from her mouth.



I opened my eyes, groaning. There, in front of my face, was Avril. My eyes widened, and I scrambled back, only to fall off of the bed. Avril's eyes widened when she saw me, and I gulped.

Please have boxers on. PLEASE tell me I was only dreaming. I thought.

"Why are you only in your boxers?!" She asked, worried.

I sighed. It was all just a dream. None of that happened. I didn't mate with Avril.

MARK MY MATE! My wolf growled. I want that dream to be real!

"You're a stubborn drunk." I shrugged. "You got drunk last night, so I dragged you up here so you wouldn't do something stupid with a human, and you wouldn't lay down unless I did too. You also insisted that shirts and pants aren't allowed in your bed. I should've recorded it so you would believe me."

Avril's shoulders sagged. "Oh. I must've looked like an idiot."

I shrugged again. Really? All she worries about is how she looks?

You're the one that made her self-conscious. My wolf growled. You're the one that bullied her.

"No...You didn't. As soon as I realized you were drunk, I put you to bed. Nothing happened." I said. "Except for the bruise you gave me."

Avril's eyes went wide. "WHAT?!" She screamed.

Oh...OH! She thought...I looked down at my wrist. She'd left a killer bruise there, from dragging me around for two hours, not from.

"No, you were dragging me around before you got drunk. Quite a grip you have-"

Before I could finish my sentence, the door slammed open, and a worried-looking Gage stood there.

"Are you okay, I heard screaming-" He cut off, seeing me. Gage growled, lunging himself at me.

Ah, crap. This is not a good time for Gage to appear.

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