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'No Taehyung, you don't do the falling in love thing...'

"Never," he mumbled, thanking that Jungkook didn't hear him.


JIMIN let out a sigh of relief, placing the warm cup of hot chocolate down. Yoongi sat there infront of him, watching the younger run his hands over the soft material of the mattress. "Is it a good time to talk?" he started. The boy ran his hand in between his pastel pink hair and nodded.

"Recently, I've started to feel so...alone. I was never used to Taehyung ditching me for someone else. I was always the one he would approach and we'd be together for the longest time. But ever since that Jeon kid-" "You mean Jungkook-hyung," corrected the instructor.

"Yeah him. I suddenly felt invisible. He d-ditched his own best friend for him? He hardly greets me a simple good morning nowadays. And the next thing I k-know is that he's eating at your table and Jungkook-hyung is giving him p-piggyback rides," A sniffle erupted from the younger as Yoongi stiffened.

He too has noticed the couple's closeness and how Jimin has been dejected lately. "Have you tried talking to Kim about this?" Jimin nodded. "I did but he only pushed me away and ended up fighting. Hence why you found me crying earlier," said Jimin who released a sad laugh.

The blonde sighed, deciding that it would be a good idea to at least show the boy some comfort, enngulfed the petite male into an awkward kind of hug. Jimin's cheeks blushed bright pink just like the color of his hair and that didn't go unnoticed by the older male.

"Give it some time okay Jimin? You did your part. Just let Taehyung realize what's going on," Yoongi advised. The thing Jimin liked about Yoongi is that he always knows what to say. It made him feel safe and reassured.

'I bet he's the only one who believes in me right now.'

"But you should also stop saying Jungkook's name as if he's murdered your family. Talk to him. He shouldn't be caught up in your argument with Taehyung," reminded Yoongi as the younger looked down sullenly.

"Thank you hyung." The smaller leaned closer and rested his head on the other's shoulder. "Y-your're welcome," he coughed.


"I'm horrible Kookie!" Taehyung sobbed and clucthed on the material of Jungkook's uniform. After the argument with Jimin, Taehyung still hasn't understood the other's weird behaviour but noticed that he went too far with his words and actions. The first thing was run back to Jungkook who softened when he saw Taehyung's crying form.

He didn't tell what they fought about entirely. He couldn't afford Jungkook to know about his commitment issues."W-we just had another f-fight but th-this doesn't ha-happen often until now," Jungkook shushed him and brought his strawberry's head to lean on his chest as they cuddled on the bed.

"It's gonna be okay strawberry. You just need space then once you've cooled your mind, go talk to him okay? Apologize hm?" He convinced. Taehyung huffed and nodded. The red head felt safe in Jungkook's arms. He started to notice the small little things about the said male. From the way he wrote notes for camp activites to which foot he would wear his sock first, he noticed it all.

He's established that he probably had a bigass crush on the instructor. 'What would it be to fall in love with him?' he thought.

'No Taehyung, you don't do the falling in love thing...'

"Never," he mumbled, thanking that Jungkook didn't hear him.

  ▶ ᴀ/ɴ 

Long story short,I was supposed to update earlier today if only my laptop didn't break yesterday. Whoops :((

Anyway, I'm not much comfortable in writing on my phone cuz yeah too many reasons but I'll try to write and update as fast as possible.

Hope you liked the chapter!! Lemme just say that Jungkook sitting on the chair and dancing during Airplane pt2 killed me :)) Bye !!

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