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DEAR Jungkook,

By the time you'll receive this letter, I would be driven by Namjoon-hyung back to Seoul. Why? Well, you'll know soon.

Growing up, I've never been the most vocal person especially when it came to my feelings. I was like a caterpillar trapped in its cocoon, refusing to turn into a butterfly and spread its wings. It was hard at first, keeping things to myself, but because of everything I've been through, it seemed normal.

Hence, this is why I'm saying all these things with ink and paper. I'm sorry I couldn't face you at all Kookie. I only know how to run away.

The reason why I'm leaving is because my mother had gotten into a car accident, leaving my sister to handle all business related matters. That's where I come in. Helping my family is the number one priority now.

What about my father?

He was- I mean, is a douche. When I was younger, the family had trouble with paying the bills and supporting my sister and I. Father started worked overtime and rarely came home during that period. Who would've thought that he was fucking his boss to get a pay raise?

I was the first to find out. Did I say anything? No.

I loved my dad. I loved him to the point of not telling my mother because I didn't want them to get mad at him. Thinking that he would change before I could get a chance to tell mother was stupid.

That was the first thing that made me question love.

Three years later, Bogum came into my life. Let's just say I got cheated on because of my wealth. What I wanted to explain was the scene you saw...

I'm sorry hyung. Bogum and I were just giving closure to our past relationship and the timing wasn't right and letting him kiss me wasn't either. I sound like I'm giving excuses but I just wanted you to know what actually happened.

Remember the first time you kissed me? I was chaotic. I didn't know if I was capable of loving you or was my chances of hurting you greater. I was scared, very much. But then, you just made me feel things I've never felt before. I was more thrilled than scared knowing that you'd be with me.

Kookie, you shone brighter than a million stars combined. You managed to break the walls that I've built for who knows how long and I thank you for that. I love how you scrunch up your nose when you can't figure out what to do, how your eyes crinkle when you show off that cute bunny smile of yours.

I love how I feel so safe in your arms and how kissing you turned to be my favorite thing.

The whole purpose of this letter is unknown. It's something along the lines of exposing myself, confessing and the decision to keep talking to me lies with you.

You see that cassette tape in the box? Feel free to play it anytime.

I wrote a letter

To the moon

It faintly glows

Not as bright as you

I have been unsure about everything until now. And yet, what I feel for you is crystal clear. I love you Jeon Jungkook.

Forever yours,

Kim Taehyung

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