Chapter 1 | Trainee

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"Yah! How many time do I need to tell you!? Why do you always miss that beat? Do you want to debut or not!?" The older man ran his hand through his bleached hair, obviously very frustrated

"I'm sorry..." you mumbled

"Why can't you do better? Look at the others, they've came here later than you and how's that you're stuck with making no progress at all?"


"Class dismissed. You better work on that or else you know what's going to happened during the monthly assessments." The dancing instructor walked out of the studio

Your head hung low, feeling so ashamed with what happened. You heard small conversations going through the studio, some judging, some moaning about the dance routine, and a couple of loud sighs.

Most of the people just left after that. But you stood at the centre of the studio, just you and your reflection. You replayed the song over and over, kept the part you needed work on on loop. Somehow other parts were smoother but still messing up some here and there.

"Ugh... what the hell." You flopped onto the floor, glancing at the wall clock

2:04 a.m.

You let out a heavy sigh. This is too much for a 15 year old to handle. You packed up your bag and walked back to the dorm.

Despite listening to the same song for hours, you never lost interest for music for even a second. You plugged in your earphones and blasted a familiar track.

"Oof!" You bumped into a hard chest and looked up to see a shocked face

"Chan?" You cracked a smile, seeing your bestie after a long hard day

"Hey! Are you alright? " he ruffled your hair and smiled apologetically

"I'm fine, just heading back to the dorm." You pressed the button for the lift to come up

The boy hummed and didn't notice he was starting to talk about his day. You were too busy staring into space, trying to keep those heavy eyes open.

"I'm hungry."


"Chris is hungry." Now that caught your attention

You looked at the owner of the voice and bursted into laughter

"That really has become a habit of yours, calling yourself in third person?" He just pouted at you, showing his best puppy dog eyes. Suddenly something clicked in you

"Ohhh no, don't you even think about tha-"

"But Chris is hungry." He shook your arm and tried so hard to look even cuter

"Says the guy that's older than me." You gave him another glance and pressed the button for the ground floor

His eyes instantly lit up, hoping you were going to do what he had in mind

You let out a sigh while pushing the huge glass doors that led to the streets

"Where to?" His tired eyes sparkled with joy and excitement

"The usual?" He smiled showing his perfectly lined teeth along with the dimple on his cheek


You were looking at Seoul's night view that was right in front of you. It was autumn where there was a light breeze at night, the wind went through your hair, lightly tossing it around

You closed your eyes and sighed. It has been so long, your fifth year in Seoul, you came here at such a young age, knowing nothing about the culture or language, a bit ironic though considering you're half Korean.

Singing has always been your passion, you were always that jumpy kid, you never were able to sit still. What you enjoyed the most was performing. You still vividly remember you would host and perform a mini showcase for your parents in the living room.

So your parents decided to bring you to some auditions. Unexpectedly, you absolutely enjoyed every second of it. You were so bright in front of the camera, also was bursting with talent at a young age.

That bought you a one way ticket to Seoul along with a contract to be a trainee at one of Korea's biggest entertainment companies. You were over the moon once you heard the news and your parents were very supportive of you.
Finding your dream at a young age was a privilege.

"Hello... anyone home?" You felt someone knock against your head, interrupting your thoughts

"Hey! No need to knock so hard." You gently rubbed your temple, glaring at the boy next to you who was chewing a mouthful of teokkboki

"Well I didn't know if you were alive or not." He cheekily smiled at you, eyes forming slits at the same time

You rolled your eyes but smiled at him. His smile grew wider seeing you not being mad at him

"Thank you noona~" he teased while giving you a tight side hug

"Ew. Don't even go there." You shook him off and poked your barely touched snack

"What's going on in there?" The Aussie put an arm around your shoulders

"Again, just the usual..." you leaned against him while closing your eyes

"Hang in there, you've been training for wow-"

"Since 2009, so that's 5...years already. Time flies..." you gasped while looking up at him

"You know you've been training since you're that young and that's an extra year longer than me! You'll be okay, trust me." Chan gave you a light squeeze on the shoulder

"Yeah, you're right."

"Hey... it's a bit weird to suddenly jump in but... are you gonna finish that?" He gave you another one of those signature cheeky smiles

You rolled your eyes but gave him your bowl anyway. Chan gladly took it and filled his boots.

You smiled at how much he enjoyed eating, doing his little dance in between several bites

You adored this guy so much, despite the three year age gap, you guys clicked almost instantly. Both of you being used to Western culture before joining jyp. A weird fact that you being half British and him living in Australia gave him comfort when he was new, he felt safe with you, again even though you are younger than him. The common interest of music brought your friendship to a even deeper stage, being the best of friends made you two become two peas in a pod, almost inseparable.

And you both loved that.


Hello readers!💕
Sooo this is the first chapter of my new book,
Hopefully it goes well🧐
Please let me know what you think in the comments! Don't be shy ~

Hope I can meet more people who love stray kids just as much as I do!

Abi :)

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