Chapter 15 | Introduction

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It was time to leave the recording area, the members went off to spend time with their parents. You slipped on your cap and walked out with Bambam beside you.

"Chicken?" He asked wiggling his brows

"Seriously... you remember what happened  last time?" You said recalling him in a head lock and not having any squid afterwards

"The past is the past, this time I refuse to go on walks." He stuffed his hands in his pockets, white smoke coming out of his mouth while talking

You suddenly heard a distant voice calling what seems to be your name. You looked behind and saw a sliver haired guy in a oversized green jumper running towards you.

"Chan?" You squinted and stood straight once you've confirmed it was him

He rested his hands on his knees once he got to you. He wasn't wearing a jacket, which you frowned and took off your scarf and wrapped around his neck.

"You're silly you know that?" You couldn't help but smile at how he was in a hurry to catch you that he even didn't bother wear a coat

"My parents were asking if you two want to join..." he said and stuffed his hands in his jean pocket

"Spend time with them, they missed you." You said and lopped an arm through Bambam, Chan's heart tugged a little at the action.

"I'm taking girly out on a date." You gave the taller boy a what-the-hell face

"Chris-ah! Put on this jacket. You know it's freezing out here." You saw a lady wrap a thick coat over the boy's shoulders

"Hello, Aunite." You smiled knowing it was his mum

"Hello Mrs Bang." Bambam and you did a polite bow

"Y/N and Bambam right? Oh my, Y/N you've grown so much, she put her hands on your cheeks which made you beam in response. Chan's mum always treated you like her own daughter, she loved you the first time she saw you, knowing you were sensible and kind. Plus a good friend of her son.

"Join us for dinner, I really miss talking to you two as well." She held your hands in hers and eyes were glistening with excitement.

"Sorry Mrs Bang, I've got to go back to the company. Music stuff." Bambam said and did a little bow towards the women

"Oh...maybe next time. I'm sure you're free right Y/N?" She looked at you with hopeful eyes, you glanced at Chan, seeing him excited for you to join as well since he had a giant smile plastered on his face.

"Umm..." you were about to make up a white lie but was pushed by Bambam

"I'm sure she'd loved to join Chris." You glared at him, shooting daggers

You gave him a dirty look and was dragged away by the mother and son. Both you and Chan looked back to the Thai, he originally wanted to thank and wave the Thai goodbye but you both saw him mouth something

"I'm not third wheeling." And with that he dashed off

"Remind me to kill him in his sleep." You whispered to Chan which made him chuckle


The four of you settled down in a traditional Korean barbecue place. It was currently 12am so there weren't many people out.

"How have you been Chris?" Chan's dad asked while pouring everyone around the table a glass of soju, you kindly declined since you were 18 in Korean age which is considered underaged

"I've finally debuted! Waaa" he did his little celebration dance which of course you smiled at

"We're very proud of you Chris" his mum rubbed circles on the back of his hand, a proud motherly smile stuck to her face. His dad showed an equally proud smile but wasn't as expressive as his mother. He smile very brightly too showing his dimple.

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