Chapter 19 | Broken Edge

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Hyunjin was also just as worried as their beloved leader. So him and the maknae followed to check on him in the company. The rest stayed to finish unpacking.

They went around the recording rooms and cafe. Even went to the staff cafeteria to search for you and their Hyung.

Walking around the practise rooms, they saw on room with lights on.

"Hyung here." The maknae said in a low voice and was stopped by Hyunjin

"Let's wait for them, they're talking." He suggested while Jeongin just followed

"I really do like you Y/N. Let me protect you please." Chan's eyes were pleading for the boy's lover. Hyunjin's heart shattered when those words came out of his hyung's mouth.

"Please..." he watched the leader's long fingers run through your soft hair, oh how much he wanted to run his own hands through your hair, feel that feather like texture.

He saw your debating self, he wanted to burst through the doors and tell him he liked you as much as his Hyung does. But he knows deep down inside you always had your eyes fixed on Chan, the way you look at him will never be the same. He just never wanted to admit the difference and facts.

Hyunjin spaced out, the maknae knew this when he asked if his Hyung was alright. Jeongin wasn't exactly a kid anymore, he knew what was happening inside the room. This clicked all of a sudden, his hyungs were both in love with you. Yet he was too slow to understand all this...

Hyunjin wasn't that selfish person that would make you choose between himself and Chan. He would rather give up for his Hyung's happiness. He was that type of person.

Sacrifices for the better.

"I'm sure they're fine. Let's go." With that he walked away first

"Hyung!" The maknae rant after the fast paced Korean

You were startled by the sound of someone calling hyung. You broke the kiss and looked towards the doors, you caught the two figures just in time. It was Jeongin who shouted...

Meaning Hyunjin probably saw everything...


More problems to deal with now.

"What's wrong?" Chan asked, eyes instantly filled with worried since you suddenly broke the kiss, negative thoughts forming in the back of his mind

"Hyunjin and Jeongin saw us... I think." You lowered your head, just thinking about the consequences is making your head hurt.

"Let them be." He said when pulling you closer with the hand on your waist

"Channie..." You looked into his eyes, they were filled with lust?

He leaned in closer to you and sealed your lips with his. More passionate than the first one. You melted into his embrace, knees going weak feeling his eagerness and lust that was held back for a good while.

You didn't realise how much you wanted to kiss him until you actually did. It was so smooth, no hesitations at all. It was love at it's purest form...

Chan broke the heated kiss before you could. You stared into each other's eyes, your parted lips turned into a smile. Then into a giggle. Light hearted laughter filled the room, and you leaned most of your body weight into his embrace. The two of you rocked side to side, savouring your first little moment together.

"I love you." Chan said with a ridiculously wide smile. Although cheeks were flushed, it was from the heart. And you could feel it.

"I like you too." You snuggled closer to his chest, but was instantly yanked away by him

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