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May 4, 2010

I know now why they call Liam the Night Man.

Things have been tense between us for a long time. I've been spending more of my time with Jacob. And Liam has been infatuated with this girl Hannah. She joined our coven years ago. Way back when Jacob got caught throwing rocks at the Stockton brat. Hannah had seen us in the woods on devil's night and she begged to be one of us, waited by the tree on Halloween night and confronted us. At first we just laughed at her, wrote it off. But I found out later that she was the real deal, hardcore into Baphomet. Jacob devised a test. He asked her to bring us a virgin to sacrifice. And she did. The Stockton girl. She was in the woods that day because Hannah led her there. So when the hype had died down a bit and Jacob wanted to start doing rituals again, we let her join us.

The girl got crazy into heroin, though. Jacob strung her along but neither of us really respected her anymore. Liam didn't get that. He thought she was Jacob's girlfriend and wanted to steal her like Jacob stole me. Like a goddamn dog he had to make himself the alpha.

So he got her high and had her while she was unconscious. He made me tape it on my phone to show Jacob later. I thought it was kind of funny because I knew Jacob wouldn't care. But I played along.

Hannah got her drugs from Jacob. He always measured out the perfect dose. Liam increased it to make sure that she'd be knocked out. I watched her shoot up. And it was the happiest I'd ever seen her. Or anyone.

I taped Liam doing her, right up until her lips and her eyes were turning blue. I pushed him off and tried giving her chest compressions and mouth to mouth, but she was gone. If we go down for this dog shit I'll fucking kill him

I know I should feel bad for Hannah but there's no point. She's dead. And it was bound to happen. She was an addict. But if this comes out, my life is over.

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