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"Stop here," Lacey said when she saw her camp. "After the safe house, we came out here."

High up in a tree was a platform. A ladder of twelve-inch nails led up to it. There were tire marks leading up a crude path between the trees.

"You can still change your mind and come with me," Lacey said.

"I could never be with someone like you. You're a deceiver. A manipulator."

"I haven't been perfect. I've done things I regret, Nathan, but I'm not a shitty person. With you, I could be good."

"No." Nathan reached into his pocket for his switchblade. "You knowingly gave the maiden to the dragon to feed yourself for another year. And you think you can get away with anything because you're beautiful. But you're a soul-sucking she-demon with an angel's face. I can't let you keep your powers."

He brought the sharp edge against Lacey's eyebrow.

She screamed in anguish as Nathan sliced across her nose and down the other cheek. Blood came gushing out the open gash like hot syrup. She shrieked, her mutilated face contorting and slipping apart. The illusion was broken at last.

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