
9.6K 335 72

italics ~ elliot

bold ~ carter

wednesday april 18th 8:09 pm est

elliot: bad news

elliot: you need to fly home tonight

carter: i'm pregnant

elliot: wtf

carter: i thought we were saying things that were impossible

elliot: seriously, it's an emergency

carter: what does this emergency entail exactly?

elliot: i need one of my compositions in my journal to hand in for a class tomorrow

carter: and your journal is in los angeles right now

elliot: so you see my dilemma

carter: not quite

elliot: i thought we were on the same page

carter: was that a pun

elliot: no.

carter: can i let you in on a little secret

carter: there is this magical thing called a picture

elliot: i know what a picture is

carter: well then you would know that i can take a picture of the pages you need, problem solved

carter: i take thank yous in the forms of cash, check, and sexual favors

elliot: NO!

carter: geez, i was kidding about the sex thing, sorry

elliot: don't look at the journal carter.

elliot: please.

carter: i would never do that without your permission, don't worry

elliot: thank you

elliot: if you would excuse me, i need to rewrite a short story i spent weeks on in twelve hours.

elliot: wish me luck

carter: from my lack of sleep, i do consider myself an expert on caffinated beverages

carter: may i recommend my special recipe: one part redbull, one part coffee

elliot: sounds disgusting

carter: it is

carter: but you'll be awake for way more than twelve hours, i promise

elliot: this better work

carter: good luck

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