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italics ~ elliot

bold ~ carter

friday may 4th 12:02 pm est

elliot: holy shit

elliot:i take back everything i said before about being bored

elliot: jean is rapping about betty white i'm going to cry

carter: i wish i was there

carter: this sounds incredible

elliot: oh it is, you're missing out

elliot: this is possibly the funniest thing i've ever seen

carter: she dropping some sick bars?

elliot: oh yeah

elliot: her name is betty white/  i'm surprised she still has her sight/ because she is super old/  and would proably die if she caught a cold

carter: put your hands in the air like you just don't care

elliot: i'm going to pee my pants my professor looks like someone just slashed his tires

elliot: he's shutting her down!

elliot: rip jean's grade

carter: jean deserves an a

carter: you got free entertainment

carter: and now you only have one presentation left until you're done!

carter: sidenote if anyone in your class recorded that please send it my way

elliot: aye aye captain 

elliot: one left! please welcome kenzie to the stage

elliot: she will be presenting on... (drumroll please)

carter: drum noise 

carter: drum noise drum drum

elliot: wow that was so great 

elliot: anyone ever tell you you're a talented musician

carter: every single day

elliot: i'm sure

elliot: ok she's opening her presentation one sec

carter: the suspense is killing me

elliot: oof this guy has a dumb name

carter: what is it

elliot: carter

carter: oh

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