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italics ~ elliot

bold ~ carter

friday may 4th 11:52 am est

elliot: omg i am so bored

carter: oh em gee girlfriend i like totes feel ya 

elliot: talk like that ever again and i stg i'm going to lock you in a shed

carter: wtf how do you even come up with this stuff

elliot: my brain is probably eating itself because it's so bored, i don't even know what i'm saying to you right now

carter: should i ask what is causing your boredom

carter: what happened to your peppy graduation attitude

elliot: i'm always peppy  i don't know what you mean

carter: ok sure

carter: you'll be peppy the day the sun turns into a meatball

elliot: ouch 

elliot: anyway i forgot how boring final projects are

elliot: i had tests in all my classes (crushed it)

elliot: but my stupid media studies professor is a hippie who doesn't believe in testing so we had to pick names of entertainers out of a hat and then give 10 minute presentations about them

elliot: i've been watching presentations foreverr

elliot: like no offense fourth row glenn but harry houdini is supposed to be an interesting person, and you're putting me to sleep

carter: yeah glenn wtf

carter: who was yours about

elliot: ryan hottie mchotface reynolds

elliot: it was a very odd group of people in the hat

elliot: i think he put a bunch of people in there, realized we would all think he was old and boring, and then probably forced his tweenage daughter to write the other half

carter:  ryan reynolds isn't even that hot 

carter: but getting to watch deadpool to research for your final project = winning at life

elliot: i agree

elliot: glenn is finished!! god bless

elliot: i swear he could host the x-games and i would probably still fall asleep

carter: how many presentations are left?

carter: i would like live commentary, please

carter: you know, so you can stay awake

elliot: mhmm sure i think someone just wants to keep talking to me

carter: i've been exposed

elliot: ew don't ever say that again 

elliot: anyway, just two left, we're in the home stretch!

elliot: buckle your seatbelt, you're in for a wild ride through jean's presentation

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