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italics ~ elliot

bold ~ carter

friday may 4th 12:11 pm est

elliot: ok update his full name is carter meade 

elliot: and holy shit this boy has some good genes

carter: does he now

elliot: oh yeah

elliot: she played a video of him singing

elliot: he's hot and talented

elliot: unfair 

carter: this is very amusing 

elliot: wanna know what else is amusing

carter: enlighten me

elliot: finishing school

elliot: like i just did

carter: yay congrats!!

carter: you're free

elliot: damn right i am

elliot: me and grace are gonna get soo drunk off of dollar store wine tonight because we are adults now

carter: what kind of dollar store sells wine

elliot: the only kind that matters

carter: ok then

elliot: just a warning i will probably be perpetually drunk all through next week cause that's when all the frats throw their end of the year parties and i'm gonna go offff 

carter: are you sure you're not drunk already

elliot: hardy har har

elliot: anyway if i send you weird stuff just ignore it

carter: ok just stay safe at those parties el some people are crazy

elliot: i will, don't worry c

carter: i have a meeting in a minute, but i'll call you later so drunk you can tell me all your deep dark secrets

elliot: that is so not happening, my lips are sealed 

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