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Tony pulled a little at Peter to try and get him to face away from his aunt's dead body. Peter wouldn't budge. Tony silently groaned and said to himself 'sorry kid.'

He picked up Peter and set him down in the hallway, then slammed aunt May's hospital room door shut. It wasn't as easy as it sounded though. The young, tired boy used the last of his energy to try and get out of Tony's grip. But Peter's tiredness overcame his strength.

Tony felt bad about getting Peter out of there in such a rush, but it was for the best. He knew the more Peter stayed in there, the more he was going to blame himself. The more Peter stayed by his aunt's cold side, the more it reminded him of his dead family. Tony was only trying to look out for the damaged kid.

Tony stood in front of the door while Peter started attempting to get in. "Mr. Stark let me back in I need to see her, I can't leave her." He started to cry again. It hurt Tony so much to see him like this.

"She'll understand Peter, you're not doing well yourself. I'll make sure everything will be properly handled ok? Let's just get you home," Tony tried reassuring him.

Peter stiffened at the word home, knowing Tony didn't mean his small apartment and twin bed. But he was way to tired and weak to fight back on what Tony decided to do.

Tony put a gentle yet firm grip on the back of Peter's neck and led the silent teen to the car.

Peter sat in the back seat and didn't even once look at Happy. Happy was always pretty hard on the kid, but he felt so sympathetic for him in this moment. Tony got in the passenger side and signaled Happy to go.

Peter stared out the window as he tried his hardest to stop crying. His eyelids began shutting but he didn't want to sleep. He was trying so hard not to fall asleep but eventually he gave in. Tony turned to see him passed out against the window and felt better now that he was getting some rest.

Once they arrived at the tower, Steve came outside to meet them. Friday updated him on what was happening. "Hey everything alright?" He questioned as Tony stepped out of the car.

"No. That kid is a mess Steve, she was the last of his family," Tony stated plainly.

"He'll end up being ok, it will just take some time," Steve reassured him.

"Can you carry him up to the guest room on my floor?" Tony asked.

"Yeah," Steve replied. He opened the door and caught the sleeping kid. He picked him up easily, bridal style. "He's really really light Tony."

"I know I don't think he's been eating much."

They continued up to the guest bedroom. When they finally got there, Steve and Tony tucked Peter in carefully, not wanting to wake him up.

"You should get rest too Tony," Steve said, concerned for his friend.

"I don't know..." Tony wasn't really thinking.

"Get rest, you need to stay strong for this kid. He'll be ok over the night," Steve insisted.

"Ok fine, Friday tell me if he wakes up or if anything else weird happens."

"Yes sir."

Tony and Steve then left the room quietly and went to sleep in their own beds.

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