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Peter stirred and groaned which made Tony's eyes shoot open from a quick nap he was taking. Then Peter's eyes slowly opened and Tony instantly sat up in his chair. Peter looked lost and confused.

"Morning," Tony said giving a small smile.

Peter's head jerked to face Tony. "Mr. Stark?" he questioned. "W-where am I?" Peter was kind of starting to freak out and his breathing sped up.

"You're ok Underoos," Tony put a hand on his shoulder which Peter slightly flinched at. "You're back at the tower you're safe."

Peter nodded slowly, his breaths going back to normal. He quickly wiped the tears that had pooled in his eyes.

"How you feeling?" Tony took away his hand from the boy's shoulder.

"Uh, umm better," Peter awkwardly cleared his throat, "now that I'm not being like, cut open."

Tony's lips thinned with Peter's comment and he changed the subject. "You've slept for," Tony looked at his watch, "32 hours straight. That must be a record."

"Yeah," he replied softly. "Have you slept, you look tired."

"Oh don't worry about me. I've slept enough." Even after everything, Peter's still worried if Tony's getting the sleep he needs.

Even though Tony never really told Peter about his sleeping issues, Peter could always kind of tell. He didn't want Tony losing the sleep he needed over him.

The kid looked away from Tony for a few seconds then back to him when Tony spoke again. "What'd they do to you in there?" he tried to hide his frustration from the events.

Peter just shrugged making it clear he didn't want to talk about it. Tony didn't push it. "I-I threw up on someone's shoes," the kid nodded to himself like he was confirming his thought.

The corners of Tony's mouth tugged upward at that, "good work kid. They deserved it."

Peter looked down at his wrapped stomach. At that, Tony's smile faded. "Steve said they took care of it all. You don't have to worry about them anymore."

Peter turned his head the opposite direction Tony was sitting and sniffled. "Ok," his voice cracked, making it clear the kid was crying.

Tony was just so bad at feelings. He didn't know how to comfort him. He didn't even know if the kid wanted his comfort, Peter probably wanted his aunt right now. She would know how to make him feel better. Tony wished he knew how to help. He was lost on what to do, he didn't know how to deal with this. "Hey you're probably starving, I'm going to get you some food and go get Bruce so he can check up with you, alright?"

Tony saw the back of the boy's head nod, so he got up to do what he said he would.

Just a few minutes later, Tony appeared back in the medical wing where Peter was. He had company with him this time though. Bruce came to check up on Peter's injuries, Tony made Clint come to hold a big tray with a bunch of food, and Tony also made Thor come down. He's taken notice to how much Peter likes him.

When they came into the room, Peter was still in the same position from when Tony left.

"The human spider!" Thor exclaimed. That caused Peter to turn quickly, "we have missed you, Man of Spiders!"

Tony caught a glimpse of Peter's .5 second half smile. He applauded himself internally for deciding to bring the God of Thunder along.

Bruce was now examining Peter. "Any dizziness or nausea?"

The kid shook his head, "no."

"That's good news. Your wrists and ankles seem to be almost completely healed, also good," Bruce informed.

Thor, Tony, and Clint stood silently while watching the check up.

"Do you feel any pain or anything unusual with your head?" Bruce asked.

"No my head feels alright, maybe just a little fuzzy... and tired," Peter added.

"You need rest that's why," Banner pointed out.

"Yeah," Peter mumbled.

"Alright what about your body?"

"Just sore. Everywhere."

Bruce nodded, "it's good it's sore rather then sharp pains. It means your healing. Mind if I take a look?"

"Ok," Peter voice went down to a whisper. Bruce began to delicately take the bandages off his stomach. Peter wouldn't watch, he was looking at the wall to his right instead of what Bruce was doing.

When Bruce finally peeled the bandages off, the other three Avengers in the room all leaned in simultaneously to see the damage. Tony released a long breath he didn't know he was holding in.

His injuries already began to heal up nicely. They looked so much better then when Tony last saw them. They'd be healed up perfectly in no time. But Peter still didn't look, he was afraid to. Bruce put something on the semi-healed wounds and replaced the old bandages with new ones.

At that Peter turned his head back towards everyone. "They look much better. You should be all healed in two days. Your ribs should be completely healed by then too," Bruce said.

Peter just nodded and a silence settled. But Tony didn't allow it to last long. "Clint has food for you. I figured you'd be starving."

Peter didn't really pay attention to it before, but now that food was mentioned he realized he was actually starving. His mouth watered at the trey of food. He honestly didn't care if the food was anchovy paste and kale, he just wanted to eat.

Clint set the trey down besides Peter on the bed then went to sit in a chair. Peter picked up the sandwich and went to town. He finished it in about a minute and moved on to the next thing.

"Slow down, you're gonna choke," Tony instructed. Peter listened but barely, he kept eating pretty fast.

"Anyways when you're cleared from being in here, all your stuff is waiting for you in your room," Tony told him. He thought it would be comforting for the kid to hear that he's got a place stay in.

"My room-wha- Mr. Stark y-you really didn't have to do that. I probably won't even be here for-for that long-" Peter stumbled on his words.

"Sh," Tony interrupted him with his finger pointing, "it's already done. I set everything up already and got your stuff so don't argue."

Peter ignored the 'don't argue' part, "Mr. Stark you really shouldn't have, I mean thank you, but you didn't have to, I'll probably be put in a home soon so you-" he rambled.

Tony cut him off again, "you won't be put in a home, don't worry about that." Peter just gave him a confused look, indicating for him to elaborate. Tony sighed then spilled the news, "I adopted you."

Peter was quiet and put the food he was eating down. "Tony you're a father?" Thor asked.

"Thor I literally told you yesterday. You called him Son of Iron," Bruce said.

"Oh right. I remember now," Thor recalled the event.

Peter had a genuine smile on his face now which meant more to Tony than the millions of 'thank you's' he received from the kid.


This is just a thank you to all of you guys who read my story!!! I really appreciate it and all the votes and the views you guys are the best<3

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