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When Tony returned to the tower after Peter was taken, he immediately went to work. He went straight past anyone he saw in the building, even if they said something to him.

Tony was angry and determined to find the kid. Once he got down in the lab, he told Friday to pull up all and any files on Louis Bass. Many files came up of his past. Louis has been in jail twice. Once for dealing drugs and weapons and the second time for stabbing a civilian.

And now Peter's with this guy. Tony cursed at himself, banging a fist onto his desk. Tony isn't the type of person to really have any feelings, especially with kids. But for some reason he felt Peter was his responsibility, he needed and wanted to take care of him.

Then something interesting caught his eye. The weapons he was distributing were connected to Toomes. "Damn it!" Tony yelled, tugging at his hair a little bit. If he worked with Toomes, he knew that Peter was the one to end that whole situation of the illegal trades. That was bad, he could be getting revenge.

Tony was extremely stressed and pacing around the lab looking at all the files projected. But then the elevator dinged and he stopped in his place.

"Tony?" Bruce asked stepping out of the lift. "Child protective services are here."

"What? Why?" Tony almost yelled.

"They were told by the hospital Peter was staying with you. They want to talk to you about him being put in an orphanage," Bruce informed.

"This is ridiculous," Tony mumbled to himself frustrated. He made his way to the elevator and Bruce joined him. Friday took them to the lobby, where a women very nicely dressed waited for him.

She shook hands with both Bruce and Tony as she introduced herself then began getting to the important stuff. "I've been informed Mr. Parker has been living here since his aunt's passing under your, Tony Stark, authorization. Since you aren't legally his official guardian or a direct relative, we are going to have to immediately take Peter from your home and set him in an orphanage."

'That's going to be a problem since he's not here,' Tony thought to himself staring at the woman.

"I've got a better idea," he said, clearly in a bad mood. "I'd like to adopt him. Right now."

Bruce turned to him with wide eyes and Tony could practically read what he was thinking. 'YOU, Tony Stark. Adopting a teenager. Wow.'

This caught the woman off guard, "oh um yes of course!" She smiled at the taller man and began digging through her brief case. She finally found what she was looking for and pulled out a large packet. Tony quickly snatched it out of her hands and began filling it out before she gave directions.

"Be sure you sign everything and read through it all thoroughly. There are a lot of factors when it comes to adopting a child and-"

Tony held his free hand up to stop her, "yeah yeah I know."

Within 30 minutes he got the whole thing done and handed it back to the woman. "The files just need to be finalized by a judge and I'm sure there'll be no issues. It should take only about a day. Congratulations, you're a father," she smiled and gave both the men a parting hand shake. Tony didn't really let the words 'you're a father' sink in. How could he when his son got kidnapped and is nowhere to be found.

Right when the woman left, Steve and Bucky came through the doors. "Who was that?" Steve asked pointing at the lady who passed.

"Tony's a dad now," Bruce blurted out.

Steve and Bucky's mouths dropped. "I adopted Peter and you two clearly didn't find him so I've got work to do," Tony said somewhat angry and went straight back into his lab to continue the hunt for his son.


Ik adoption is like a different and longer process but just go with it. Tony's officially a mf dad

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