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The next two days went by pretty fast. Bruce made Peter stay put until his injuries were pretty much completely healed, but Peter didn't mind. He was never alone in the room, he was thankful for that. But within those two days Peter saw Tony once for maybe 10 minutes.

Steve explained to him that he had a big business deal and was at meetings and making phone calls all day, so Peter understood.

He spent most of those few days with Clint. They grew pretty close in a short amount of time even though Peter wasn't being his normal self. He was way more quiet than he was weeks ago, but the Avengers had a pretty good gist of what his actual personality is like.

A few times a small giggle escaped Peter's mouth from a dumb comment Clint would make, otherwise he seemed a little distant. Clint enjoyed talking to him anyways.

Natasha would also go in and talk to him occasionally. Peter instantly knew him and Nat would get along good.

Bruce came in a lot to check on him and Peter would talk to him about his books. Bruce liked talking to Peter about it. It was obvious Peter was extremely smart and Bruce thought that his way of thinking was really neat.

Bucky and Steve would visit him together. Bucky liked how fascinated Peter was by his arm and Steve liked to just be able to talk to the kid.

All of them loved Peter though for same and different reasons. He would be nice and fun to have around the tower. But Tony being someone's father? Now that was something they were all looking forward to see.

When morning of the next day came around, Peter woke up to Tony and Bruce talking in the corner of the room. Tony noticed Peter stir awake first, "morning kid. Ready to get out of this room?"

Peter's head tilted in satisfaction. He wanted to get out of there so bad and now Bruce has cleared him to actually do so.

Peter was already unhooked from everything and had the bandages taken off. He looked down at his stomach for the first time since he first got hurt. They were almost completely healed and he sighed in relief.

He jumped out of the bed and wobbled a bit to catch his balance. He hasn't stood on his legs in a while, but he quickly got used to it.

"Come on. I'll show you your room," Tony motioned him to follow. Bruce was still cleaning up, so he stayed in the medical room while Peter and Tony began riding in the elevator.

"How was your business deal?" Peter asked while messing with his own hands.

"It went good," Tony smiled slightly. "It's this new security system I've been working on. It's got the same concept for bigger problems like the government and space or whatever, or just for someone's home and now it can be installed into people's cars. Of course the system would have to be built proportional to the problem it's dealing with but I've figured it out."

Peter was listening closely and enjoyed hearing his ideas, "that's really cool Mr. Stark."

"Thanks kid," Tony scruffed the curly hair on Peter's head. Tony didn't tell him that he made the security system work for cars because of what happened to May, Peter already had too much on his mind. "I'm having an event coming up to introduce it, you can come."

The elevator dinged and the door opened. "Woah really? Thanks Mr. Stark," Peter was following behind the striding man.

"No problem. You have to dress up though so we need to get you a suit." Peter nodded in response. They stopped in front of Peter's room and it was silent for a few seconds. Tony then opened the door and stepped in, with Peter at his heels.

Peter looked around with his big brown puppy eyes. "Woahhh," he said softly. "Thanks Mr. Stark, I really like it thank you." He was still looking around.

Peter's stayed in the room before but now it had a different feeling to it. It was his room now and it also wasn't as boring as before. "I love that poster it's cool," he pointed to the Ironman poster above his bed.

Tony chuckled to himself and said, "I like it too."

"All my cloths are here?" Peter questioned.

"Yeah me and Happy kind of broke into you're apartment, hope you can forgive us. We got everything valuable like your school stuff and LEGOs," Tony smirked.

"Oh you saw those?"

"Yeah Happy lined them up over there," Tony pointed over to his desk.

Peter made his way over there then froze when he saw a picture of aunt May and him. God he missed her. She doubled as a mom and best friend to him and the thought of losing her will always haunt his mind.

But he was thankful Tony grabbed that picture of them. He liked that picture a lot. They were so happy and it clearly showed how much they love each other.

"Kid?" Tony snapped him out of his thoughts, "You ok?"

Peter was kind of startled and quickly turned to face him, "oh y-yeah I'm fine."

"Alright..." Tony was kind of hesitant on letting it go but decided to drop it. "Oh almost forgot. Karen you there?" He asked looking up around the room.

"Hello sir. Peter, it's good to see you again," Karen spoke through his room.

"No way! You put Karen in here, sweeeet," Peter's voice was still quiet but there were obvious hints of excitement present.

"Sure did. Friday's still in here somewhere too though." Peter nodded.

"Thank you Mr. Stark," Peter said sincerely.

"Stop thanking me kid," Tony replied. "Today you can just relax and check out the compound. If you need anything just come find me or tell Friday to. Tomorrow I was thinking about showing you the lab." Tony knew the boy was going to love that idea.

Peter mouth dropped. He's always wanted to see what goes on in the billionaires lab, "Yeah totally that sounds great."

Peter honestly didn't know what he was feeling at the moment. Fear lingered on him even though he knew he was safe now. But at the same time he was excited and somewhat happy. He got adopted by Tony Stark, he didn't have to be an orphan. He got a nice place to live and spend his life among the Avengers. But his sadness about May and the memories of the events that took place not to long ago kept nagging at him.

"Alright dinner's at 6 and for lunch eat whenever you get hungry. Also tomorrow we have a meeting with your principle at 10 in the morning. Don't forget because I might. I have a call to take," Tony concluded. Peter nodded and the man left the room.

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