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Here's what I've decided so far from looking at what you guys want and what I want to write.

•no stony (I want to base the story off of Peter's and Tony's relationship and not drift off to write a lot of stony)

•Peter and Wade as a friendship

•still don't know if I want pepperony bc, again, I don't want the focus to be on a relationship for this story

•and the aunt May situation... I guess you'll just have to wait and see

So yeahhh I've started writing the first chapter and sorry if these updates are annoying. They're here just as an fyi I guess

Would you guys want to know what I look like and stuff about me? I'm asking bc ik when I read stories I always wonder like oooo who's the author what's their name, what they look like, how old or whatever. If u guys don't really care about it it's fine 😂😂😂

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