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I freshen up and I get ready to go shopping for dresses with my friends.

We all meet up at my house and I drive everyone to a nearby mall.

We all go into a dress shop and look for dresses.

There are multiple dresses and so many colors to choose from.

Babe, what color dress should I get?

Baby❤ You look sexy in blue.

Alright, blue it is.

Baby❤ you better not be throwin it back for nobody!

I look around for blue dresses and I find a cute one.

I go to the dressing rooms and I try the dress on.

I send a picture to my mom and she text back saying 'you look beautiful!'.

I do a little spin and I look good from the back and the front.

I bend down into a twerking position so I can make sure I can fuck it up for the one time.

Cool, I can dance, I feel cute! I nod my head and I spin again.

"This is my dress,"

I walk out of the fitting room and I model the dress for them.

"Yes," Giselle says.

"Girl, you're so gorgeous!" My friend Tiana smiles at me.

"Thanks, guys!"


Once everyone finds their dresses, we go back to my house because everyone's parents are picking their kids up from my house.

We all walk inside and we go play Just Dance on my Xbox.


Once everyone leaves, I start to make dinner.

I fry some French fries and I shred some cheese.

I grab two cans of chilli and I open them putting them in a pot to warm up.

My music is playing from my phone and it suddenly stops.

I look at it and I see my mom is calling me.

"You making chilli cheese fries?" My mom asked through the phone.

"Yeah, I'm making some for dinner."

"Is there a lot?" My mom asked.

"I mean, I guess." I look at the amount of food that I've made. "Why?"

"We have a guest coming tonight, Mike is going to pick them up right now."

"Who is it?" I asked my mom while I grab four plates.

"It's a surprise, but they are joining us for dinner!"

"Okay" I hold the 'ay' part.

"Love you!" My mom says.

"Love you too mom!"

I hang up the phone.

My mom walks downstairs and she sets the table with forks and napkins.

She also grabs cups and a bottle of juice setting it in the middle of the table.

"Are you excited?" My mom asked.

"Um, I don't know who it is, so no." I smile at my mom.

"Mike said they'll be here soon!"

I nod my head.

I place the food in the microwave warming everything up, then I place the plates on the table.

A few minutes later I start pouring the juice into cups.

I hear the front door open and I see Mike along with someone else. 

My eyes widen and I place the juice on the table, running into the persons arms.

The Boy Next Door 2 | LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now