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Once the girl from the ice cream truck turns around she spots me and LaMelo.

Oh, that's how I know her, I think to myself rolling my eyes.

She lets out a high pitched squeal before hugging Lonzo.

Once they pull away from the hug she hugs LaMelo.

She looks at me and she looks me up and down with a dirty look on her face, but then she smiles at me.

"You must be... Lonzo's girlfriend!" She smiles while shaking my hand.

"Um," I look at LaMelo and he makes a confused face.

"I'm Ashley, LaMelo's girlfriend!" Ashley says.

I glance at LaMelo with an eyebrow raised.

"Oh really?" I asked Ashley.

Ashley nods her head.

"That's funny cause I could've sworn that I was actually LaMelo's girlfriend!" I say.

Ashley looks at LaMelo shocked.

"Ashley, come on don't act shocked!" LaMelo says rolling his eyes.

"I'm not acting, we are supposed to be together!" Ashley says.

Obviously not!

LaMelo looks at me.

"We broke up!" He says.

He is supposed to be talking to Ashley, but I feel like he was lowkey talking to me.

"LaMelo, baby..." Ashley says rubbing up and down LaMelo's arm.

Am I invisible?

LaMelo removes her hand from his arm.

Ashley grabs his hand.

"We belong together!" Ashley says.

Keep your cool, Jos. Your boyfriend can handle this.

"No, we don't!" LaMelo says. "You cheated on me!"

"And I'm super sorry for that!" Ashley says.

She grabs LaMelo's shirt pulling him down to whisper in his ear.

I look at Lonzo and he looks at me.

He mouths 'Stay calm' and I smile at him.

I mouth 'I'm calm' back to him.

I glance at LaMelo and I see him blushing.

Ashley strokes his cheek and starts to pull his lips closer to hers.

I smack her hand away from him.

"Remove your hands from my boyfriend please!" I say.

"Don't touch me you irrelevant hoe!" Ashley shouts and gets in my face.

"Me, irrelevant hoe?" I whisper to myself.

I grab my hair tie from my wrist and I tie my hair up into a bun.

I take out my hoops and I throw them on the floor.

Don't think I won't fight you cause I'm pregnant!

"He doesn't want you! Touch him again and see what happens!"

Ashley smirks at me touching LaMelo again.

The Boy Next Door 2 | LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now