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We had Liz and Caroline cornered and seated on the living room couch. I was pacing back and forth as Demeter had her arms crossed.

"What do you want?" Caroline asked.

"Answers," I replied.

"Let us go!" Liz demanded.

"I don't think so, Mother dear," I sneered, "I have waited ten years for this moment and I'm not letting you go that easily,"

"To start off, what gave you the authority to hurt my daughter?" Demeter growled in Liz's face.

"She's a mistake," Liz spat, "I'm not even surprised you had the gall to sleep with a married man,"

"Not my fault he wasn't happy with you," Demeter spat, "And, for the record, I didn't know he was even married,"

"You can't talk to my mom like that!" Caroline shouted, standing up.

"And you can't yell at mine!" I exclaimed, flitting over to her as I gripped her face in one hand. I shoved her back down on the couch, where Liz protectively embraced her daughter.

"Now," I continued, "I heard dear old dad came back to Mystic Falls. When?"

"Last year," Caroline answered, "And, not once did he mention you!"

I narrowed my eyes at her as my fists clenched in anger. Demeter saw my expression and took over the situation.

"Where is he now?" She asked.

"Dead," Liz stated.

"Excuse me?"

"He died with vampire blood in his system. He didn't want to transition so he had his last moments with us," Caroline sneered, "See, Persephone, not even the one man who you thought loved you, remembered you,"

That was the last straw. Out of nowhere, I let out a loud scream and all I saw was fire.


I suddenly sat up and noticed the Mikaelson's and Demeter surrounding me in my room. Klaus immediately went to my side and held my hand.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You almost set the Forbes' house on fire," Demeter answered.

"What?" I exclaimed.

"You blacked out after a few minutes but I got you out just in time before you've done any damage,"

"What did they do, love?" Klaus asked.

"They told dad's dead," I sobbed, "He forgot about me!"

"Oh, love," Klaus sighed and embraced.

"I was a mistake, they said! He never loved me, they said!"

"Don't listen to them!" Rebekah told me, "All that comes out of their mouth are full of lies,"

"It's like they went to sleep one night and forgot who I am!" I spent the whole day sobbing, with the Mikaelson's helping me feel better by bringing me books and ice cream. Klaus never left my side and Demeter came in to check on me every once in a while.

"Klaus," I said, gaining his attention.

"What is it, sweetheart?" He asked me.

"I want to make them suffer," I stated, "And I know just how to do it," 

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