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Your pov:

   "Mike," I paused, fixating my gaze on him. "You have to understand that I really need the payment by this Friday," I uttered with a hint of desperation in my voice. I'm not the one to beg for anything, but at a time of urgency and distress, begging was surprisingly coming with ease. I mean, despite how worthless I was feeling.

He looked at me with a blank expression. My curiosity has gotten the best of me, and now my mind is boggling with thoughts of him firing me.

"Why do you need it so badly?"

I lightly sighed, instinctively licking my lips before thinking of what to say. I definitely don't want this conversation to turn into some pity party. But it seems that's the only option. If this is my way of getting that money as soon as possible then so be it.

"It's — well..personal," I mentally scolded myself for giving in to the small stutter that occurred.

Under his intimidating stare, I started to shift awkwardly in place. "Well, go on.." he urged as he sat upright and leaned his bulky frame closer to his desk.

My lips parted, but the words were captured and stunned by the shame of the wind. It sounded easier to say in my head, but actually saying the words aloud..that was different.

  Verbally constructing a sentence to explain how my mother is suffering from a still unknown disease that supposedly causes partial immobilization, fatiguness, digestive problems (resulting extensive constipation, contracting food, etc.), and even damage within the heart's major vessel. Although not all of these apply to my mom, it may occur any time now.

I sharply sucked in a breath, regaining myself. "My mother is very ill, sir." Mike's tense shoulders faltered while his eyes softened from hearing the words leave my mouth.

"I need allowance for food and medicine, mainly medicine," I continued.

Concern was written on his face, or maybe pity? Either way, I expected one of those reactions.

For a small moment, I thought he was going to say something as soon as I finished, but the words retreated back into his mouth. I suppose he was reconsidering his answer from hearing such a raw statement.

As he opened his mouth to finally speak up, a loud noise came from behind, realizing the door bursted open. Since it came to suddenly, I flinched.

"Daddy when are we heading out for lunch?"

Mr. Jauregui diverted his attention towards the voice that rudely interrupted our conversation. Surprisingly enough, I mentally thanked them for sparing me some time to recover. I knew if another minute passed by, I'd be a crying mess. To be quite honest, I don't know if i'd be crying from my situation or embarrassed for slightly opening up to my boss.

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