Chapter 3: "Dancing On My Last Nerve"

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Spencer couldn't believe that Toby hadn't dropped out of the class yet. They were one month in and she hadn't even heard a complaint from him. She even asked Caleb what he was saying about it, if he was complaining about it, more specifically. Caleb just shrugged at her question and answered with, "you think I'm going to listen to that guy talk about AP Physics? I already have to deal with you!" and that was the end of the conversation.

He even participated in class. It was marveling to her. The last time she actually had a class with him was sophomore year and he barely said a word when teachers picked on him. And now, now he's raising his hand all by himself. She had to admit, she was surprised. And in a good way. It definitely was a first in the context of Toby Cavanaugh.

Spencer scratched down the homework and closed her planner, daring to sneak a glance at Toby. He was on the other side of the room, one table beyond the table she was across from. He was still working on his class work that was due by the end of the hour.

He got up and she quickly shifted her eyes away. Although, she had a feeling he saw her because when he set his paper down on the teacher's desk, he looked directly at her. A look of curiosity marked upon him.

When the bell rung a few minutes later, she walked over to him.

"You know, I have to hand it to you. I thought you would have quit by now."

"Quit?" he mocked, packing his books together, looking at her with no particular look.

"Drop the class." She specified, squinting her mocha eyes at him.

He grabbed his books in one hand and walked around the table, so they were on the same side, for the most part.

"I'm not going to drop the class." He told her sternly, catching her eyes in his gaze.

"I guess we'll see about that." Spencer told him, her voice lighter than it normally was when talking to him. She didn't keep his gaze very long, she soon turned around and made her way to her next class.

Toby didn't see the reason why they had to attend dance lessons. It's not like they would be forming flash mobs at the wedding. Hanna told him she had some huge extravagant thing planned out though. Her first dance with her husband would be outstanding. People would remember it. People would cry at the sight of how beautiful it was. It was so typical of Hanna to want people crying over her. She had millions of ideas, some involved the married couple surrounded by all the other couplets who would slowtwly dissolve in the crowd and when they were all back in their positions in the observing crowd, her and Caleb would take their first stride forward. Some involved them forming in straight lines to meet their partner, then whisking them away back into the crowd. Caleb and Hanna would be the last to reunite and instead of heading towards the crowd, they would begin to waltz. She told him they were just ideas she had pitched to the dance instructor though. At first, Toby thought she was yanking his chain. Hanna knew his hatred towards dancing, and she got a kick out of that kind of stuff. Although, she was not. She was dead serious. She had already signed them all up for lessons.

So, now he was here. In a dance studio, waiting on the instructor to come guide them to hell.

He wasn't surprised to see Spencer here. Of course she would be here. He had no doubt that she would be on the bridal party.

Although he didn't understand why she needed to be here. She had been wearing ballet shoes the day she came out of her mother's womb. She was the captain on the school's dance team and practically began teaching dance classes at the local dance studio at sixteen. Caleb had once forced him to come along to one of her recitals and he would never admit this to her, or anyone else for that matter, but she was incredible. Her movements were so majestic and regal. She made it look so easy. She definitely didn't need lessons. She was probably just here to learn the routine, and show off just how great she is. Like always.

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