Chapter 18 : We Could Belong Together

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"Thanks for coming," he tells her, smiling in a way that makes her feel warm inside.

"Yeah," she provides, her hands sliding in the pockets of her leather jacket. They stare at one another for minute, before her eyes skim over to the crowd of women behind him. They are giggling, and eyeing him with adoration, and she really can't blame them. He was pretty great on stage. He can play the guitar, sings like an angel, and he is quite appealing to look at. A pang of jealously hits her. They haven't slept together since before her father's death, and she figured he was just giving her time. She hasn't instigated anything. She wonders if he's hooked up with anyone since her.

"You seem to have quite the posy," she nods to the crowd of girls behind him, raising her eyebrows.

He glances back at the giggling girls, then back at Spencer, and chuckles in a shy, sort of, matter. That awkward kind of chuckle he has owned since high school. "Nah," he shakes his head.

"Yeah," she mimics, rolling her eyes.

"No," he argues, leaning forward on his heels.

"Yes!" she fights. "Stop being so humble, and go greet your fans."

He rolls his eyes. He turns his head around to get a glimpse of the giggling girls. The red head waves her fingers in a flirtatious matter, while the blonde next to her whispers something into her ear, making the waving Red Head plummet into a fit of giggles. Toby turns around, his eyes landing back on Spencer. There may be a crowd of girls (whom he must say are quite pleasing to the eye) pining for him, behind him, but in front of him is Spencer, and just for that, she is one hundred times greater.

"I'm not going to ditch you," he claims.

"That would be pretty rude of you, you know, since I'm currently learning how to be father-less. You shouldn't ditch victims of grief," the words leave her mouth in an absurd, playful, matter.

He gives her a pointed look.

"What? I can't poke fun at my father's death?"

"Normal people don't..." he teases, his voice laced with incredulity.

She laughs.

"I guess I'm not normal."

"You're not," he murmurs in a thoughtfulness. "You're in no way ordinary," he remarks, a glint of affection dangling on his irises.

"Compliment or insult?" she ponders aloud, tilting her head a little, a quaint smile framing her lips.

"Compliment," he clarifies.

She grins wider, "well, thanks, I guess," her head dips down, her fingers pushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"You wanna get something to eat?" he murmurs a moment later.

"Um, I kind of already ate," her face scrunches up. "I didn't know what exactly was happening tonight. Sorry, but I can watch?"

"I'm sure you don't want to watch. You can leave if you really want," he shrugs. "I just thought we could hangout," he admits in sheepish tone.

"No, I love watching people eat!" she exclaims. "It's like my favorite hobby, behind watching people drink!"

The corners of his mouth drag up into a smile as he leans forward a little, "lucky for you, I'll be doing both!"

"Wow," she muses, mock enthusiasm washing over her features, "my kind of night!"

He chuckles, pushing his shoulder into hers. She mimics his actions.

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