Chapter 7: F is for Friends who don't admit to being friends

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Hanna Marin stared at the duo across the small dancing room. They were stretching...together. It seemed odd. Sure, they were partners, but that didn't demolish the hate that hung between them. Usually, they would stretch alone—completely ignoring each other's presence. They wouldn't even be on the same side of the room, but now; now they are closer than Caleb and she are. Their looks of disgust have been replaced with looks of bliss and joy. It was too odd to not comment on.

Hanna leaned over to her soon-to-be-husband as she stretched down to her left toes. "Do Spencer and Toby seem...friendly to you?" she asked him. He was on the floor, leaning over his legs to reach his toes.

"What?" he looked up at her with absurdity glowing in his auburn eyes. "That's insane. They hate each other." He commented before going in for another stretch.

Hanna stood up straight, looking at the two across the room with her arms crossed. "Doesn't look like that right now."

Caleb was up in second to look at the sight, and surely enough, his future wife was right. They did not look as they normally did around one another. They were smiling and laughing, and acting as if they were friends.

Caleb had a hard time looking away; it was like looking at a fat man on the side of the road only wearing a leotard. Weird and unnatural.

He looked away and to his fiancé. "Well, let's hope this doesn't end in disaster like the last time."

He was about to continue with his stretching, when his wife-to-be stopped him. "What do you mean a disaster like last time?" Hanna asked, her eyes gone mad.

Caleb instantly regretted the statement, "it's nothing." He murmured, hoping Hanna would just let it go.

"Caleb..." she growled under her breath, the ocean in her eyes freezing over.

Caleb sighed, "they've been like this once high school."

"I thought you said they always hated each other?" Hanna questioned.

"They did, but ah, it's complicated. It was weird. I don't know, they still fought all the damn time and made fun of each other like it was their purpose for living, but I don't was different. They acted different. You could just tell, alright?"

Hanna's expression didn't stray from confusion, but she nodded nonetheless. "Okay...well what happened?"

"I'm not sure. Neither of them ever told me what that fight was about. They never even admitted to me that they were friends."

"Then how do you know they were?"

"I just know, alright?" He snapped. "Anyone could tell. One time Aria and I caught them at this movie theater. Both of them said they didn't even want to see the movie, but there they were, watching and enjoying it without us."

"Then we thought that they were dating, I mean why else would they sneak around? But I don't know, when we were watching them at that movie theater, they didn't do anything couple-y...and thank god, I think I would be scarred for life." Caleb exasperated, glancing at the stretching duo across the room once again.

"A little dramatic are we?" Hanna gave him a look. "Tell me more about the aftermath. What happened? What made it so bad?"

Caleb shrugged his shoulders lazily, still looking at them, "I don't know." He stared at his wife, "they wouldn't even talk to each other. For a little while, Spencer would sit in the library to avoid Toby. Then things got really out of control, and they just—it was bad. It ended in disaster. It was just out of control. Alright?"

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