Chapter 27: Gambles

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The first day of high school. Spencer Hastings thought the day would never come. She remembers seeing her older sister Melissa go off to high school. It was five years ago. It seems like it was only yesterday.

High school are the best years of your life. That's what they say at least. Spencer hopes that's not true. That'd be very unfortunate; living a life full of nostalgia, constantly reminiscing on the past; wishing the days could be like that once again. It seems like that would be an awful life. Who would want to live a life that has already peeked? No one.

But she does hope high school is fun. From everything Melissa has told her, it seems like it is. Of course, she will be focusing more on academics than anything else. Isn't that what school is for? To learn? Many would disagree with her on this, but she knows it's true.

Today is not really the first day of school though. It's orientation. There will be no actual learning. It's just a run through of classes and social activities; a pep rally to end it all.

Right now, they are in the midst of some weird, kid activity. They were given a photo of someone and a name to go along with it. They are supposed to find the person on the card, then write down five common interests on the back. With your partner, you turn in the picture and list of common interests, and receive a token to receive a free lunch.

Spencer has Toby Cavanaugh. Blue eyes. Ashy, mousy, messy hair. Looks like his mother dressed him.

She has been trying to find him for a good five minutes. It really doesn't matter who finds who first, but she is set on being the one who calls out his name. She'll win. She'll find him before he finds –

"Spencer, right?" the boy from the picture pops out in front of her, waving her school picture in front of him.

She frowns. Dammit. She whips up a careful smile, "yes. Hello. And you're Toby."

He nods in a noncommited way. "Yeah," his blue eyes connect with hers. "Well, now we're supposed to, like what, figure out what we have in common, right?"

She nods pointedly, narrowing her copper eyes on him. She hates kids who don't pay attention, especially to stupid things like this. "Five things. We write it on the back. We get a free lunch."

"Cool," he smiles like this is brand new information. She reminds herself not to roll her eyes. "Okay, then let's do it. Should we go somewhere a little less crowded?"

"They said that we are supposed to go to those tables," she nods over towards the side of the gym where the bleachers are. There are tables set up for them. Toby apparently completely spaced out when they gave those instructions.

"Oh," he frowns a little. "Must've not heard that," he shrugs. "Okay. Let's go."

They walk over to the tables. Spencer sits down in front of him, staring at him, trying to find the place where he fits. He could be a loser, nerd, whatever. But the thing is – past his scrawny legs and arms, he is pretty cute. He's tall and skinny, but his eyes are piercingly blue, and his cheek bones are high and bold. He dresses like his mother put out clothes for him – a blue polo and jean shorts – but then also has converse and messy hair. She and her friend Alison had decided that everyone falls into a group. Everyone can be categorized, but she is unsure about Toby at the moment.

He seems too indifferent to be a nerd/loser.

"Okay, so what are some things you like?" he asks.


"Me too," he nods.


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