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WITH MY MIND SET into action I went down to the bottom wing to go in front of the Clan. Eeira had said it was partially their choice to keep me confined to my room, so I was sure they would be surprised to see me. I sent Bryndis away so she wouldn't be involved in my decision and get demoted or worse banned from the castle. This was my fight. I wasn't going to let anyone else take the fall like Calder had to.

As I approached the chamber door I noticed Thorne standing there guarding it. He gave me a puzzled look.

"What are you doing here?" he asked me.

"I could ask you the same question," I retorted, "I thought you were going to cover for me while I searched the library."

"That's what I'm doing," he informed in annoyance, "Eeira isn't the one you have to worry about if she finds you there. Can you imagine what the Clan would do? It wouldn't be pretty."

"It doesn't matter to me what the Clan thinks they could do, because I'm the princess. They may be advisors to the crown, but they can't control me. No one can."

I then grabbed the door handle to throw myself inside, Thorne warning me a little too late.

"Wait, Princess-"

I walked into the chamber with a loud bang of the door, all eyes of the Clan turning towards me.

"Why didn't you tell me my grandmother had visions when she was young?" I catechized them.

"How dare you barge yourself in here without consent!" the leader immediately shouted back at me, but I was unfazed.

I held the book up from under my arm for all of them to see before throwing it at their feet. "I found this book in the library that Gulbrand and possibly even you had kept from me. Apparently it was my grandmother's. She had visions and dreams of the future, just like I do. How? And why did no one tell me?"

"This subject is none of your concern," the leader spat back, "Madam Eeira lifted your confinement, Princess, do not jeopardize your freedom again. Leave this chamber at once."

As I glared at the old leader and he back at me, I took a quick shift of my gaze to the other members of the Clan. They were standing by their round table with a map and other papers sprawled out along its surface, with what looked like little figurines placed in battle formations. I shoved past the leader and walked over to it.

"What is this? A battle strategy? What are you planning? And why wasn't I informed of it?"

"This is a blueprint for the next step against the frozen queen," the woman explained, who's face now showed a large burn patch cross it under her hood. I mentally shuddered slightly remembering they had fought the iron knights in the village during Sylvi's attack.

"Shouldn't I be a part of this strategy considering I'm soon to be queen? I'm the one who has to lead these men into battle am I not? And what about Calder? We have to get him back before any men are put out in the front lines," I said.

"You talk too much, Your Highness, if I should be so bold," one of the men said, only angering me further.

"I would advice you not to be bold at all, Your Grace. In fact I want no opinions from any of you. My father may have come to you for guidance when he reigned, but I need none. Every decision is my own and what I say as princess and queen goes. And what I want. . .the only thing I want right now is Calder Hansen back in this castle."

"Captain Hansen is a traitor to the crown," the leader spoke up, "His feet will never grace these halls again."

"Just because he's the frozen queen's son doesn't make him a traitor!" I spat back rather loudly, tired of the senseless word. "He's on our side, my side, why can't anyone see that? He gave himself up for me! He's saved my life countless times!"

Iron Knight - Clan of the Rim Chronicles #2Where stories live. Discover now