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I'm laying here. I've been ejected from my car. Am I dead? I don't think I'm dead. I feel the cold rough snowy road under me. I feel blood flowing out of my body. I don't remember what happened.
"Oh my lord call an ambulance!" I hear a man's voice day.
I open my eyes. I see a man hovering over me.
"Stay awake sweetheart! He keeps repeating.
I hear loud sirens grow closer & closer to me. the sound vibrates the ground. I have my phone in my back pocket. I feel it taken by a women. Two people lift me onto a stretcher.
"hello. I'm so sorry but this is omaha emd your daughter has been in an accident." I hear the lady say into my phone.
"Ashley, stay awake." I hear people chanting.
They close the doors of the ambulance. I eventually fall asleep. when they open the doors I wake up. I feel the rush of cold air go through my body. I watch as I'm ran through the hospital on the stretcher. I see my family running along with it.
"Ashley!" my mom yells before they shut the door.

I fall asleep again. when I wake up I'm confused where I am. I look at my body. I have stitches everywhere. i look outside, it looks about 5am. I notice next to me is a glass of water a million machines a chair & my purse. I grab my purse & go on my phone.

"Oh good you're up!" a tall lady says walking in.
"What happened? all I remember is hearing this loud crash." I said.
"You were ejected from your car, you weren't wearing your seatbelt" she said.
She explains how nothing was broken & I was so lucky that I only have a few cuts & bruises.
"Thanks for telling me." I said awkwardly.
"Your family went home. I told them id call when you woke up." she said.
I nodded.
"There's a boy here for you. He's been here since you got here" she said.
I nodded, it was probably alex.
I waited for Alex to walk in. sammy walked in.

His eyes were puffy from crying. "sam." i said.
"Yeah ash are you okay?" he said worried.
"I'm still scared. that was so scary." I cried.
"hey, hey. You're safe. everything's okay. you're going to be fine. the other people were drinking & driving. I was so worried about you." he said while crying.
"You can go if you want, I feel bad you've been here this whole time." i said.
"I just want to know you're okay." he said.
"I'm okay. just a little tired." I said.
"Oh well I'll be in the waiting room while you sleep." He said while walking towards the door.
"Sam will you lay with me?" I asked quietly.
He nodded and climbed into the bed next to me.
"I missed you sam." I said.
"I missed you too ash." he said.
We fell asleep in each other's arms in the tiny hospital bed.

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