Chapter 12

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Eliza storms through the house, pushing past servants and hurrying along corridors until the library doors come into sight. Through them, she weaves round bookcases until her window seat appears, she pulls the cushioned top up and pulls out the worn bound novel. Feet up, she hugs her knees and opens the book. Her eyes scan the pages, drinking in the words, relishing in the familiar tales of love, loss, hope and desperation. Her fingers flicker with the pages as she turns them, the characters jump off the paper they are written on and pull her deeper into the story. The words arise a feeling of comfort and safety, they often provide her with the affection she lacks at Ryddan Manor. The clock ticks slowly but the minutes turn into hours, the clock strikes four by the time Eliza finishes reading, she closes the book and places it next to her. She watches out of the window and gazes around at the green estate. The stable manager has let out the horses and they graze in the paddock. The horses prance around together, playing and having fun. She smiles at the way they frolic around, reminding her of what she and Eloise were like when they were little.

Her beautiful sister, Eloise, always a kind word for everyone. Natural in grace and elegance, excelled at piano and needlepoint. She was very shy and that was not helped by the way mother tried to show off her most accomplished daughter rather than the outspoken and confident one. Eliza never fought with Eloise, wanting to be more like her, admiring the way she never shouted or lost her temper. When both twins became ill they stayed in the same bed, wanting the contact to grieve for their father together. Eliza got better and managed to recover fully, the doctor banished her from spending more than ten minutes with Eloise who grew worse quickly.

"Eliza," Harrington stands by a bookcase, she glances around at him in surprise, not having heard him enter the library.

"Eliza, I wanted to apologise again." He says humbly.

"It is unnecessary." She replies. "You already have."

"And yet I seem to remain unforgiven."

"Harrington, believe me, it is of no consequence." Eliza places her feet on the carpet and turns her whole body to face him.

He groans loudly and runs a hand through his hair.

"Please, Eliza tell me what is the matter?" He demands, "Was it the men? The hunt? The deer?"

Eliza observes him cryptically for a moment or two,

"It wasn't just one thing, over the last two days we have fought and made up and fought again, I cannot bear a marriage where we are at each other's throat constantly." She explains, "I don't wish to be difficult but you cannot expect me to forget what I believe in, I refuse."

Harrington looks regretful, "I confess I haven't dealt with this situation well, you are the most stubborn and infuriating woman I have ever met and you seem to fight me at every turn. I am not used to people contradicting me."

"Maybe it is about time someone stood up to you," Eliza says coolly.

"My mother is constantly saying the same."

"Smart lady."

"I agree." He says ruefully

"I have done my best to accept what happened at the ball and the consequences of that but no engagement should be this hard even if we aren't remotely fond of the other."

But I am fond of you, is what Harrington wants to say to her. But he doesn't, he cuts off his heart completely.

"The past two days have taught me we are in no ways compatible, our marriage would be a catastrophe, I think it would benefit us both if we pretended to be in love and get married and then get an annulment a few months later."

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