Chapter 53

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"Wasn't there?" Charlotte repeats, "But where is he?" 

Thomas shakes his head, they both look at Eliza, her skin seems to have gotten whiter and her temperature hotter. As soon as the messenger had been questioned Benjamin left immediately for the heart London to ask around about Jasper's possible whereabouts. Thomas went upstairs to wake his wife and tell her the lack of news. Charlotte looks close to tears and her hands shake as she stands. 

"I don't know." He says. 

"But where on earth would he have gone?" She asks stepping out of her bed and rolling up the blankets and placing it with the pillows in a corner. 

"You know more than me." Thomas says, "He's not in London, he's not in Oxford." 

"He has houses all over England but he has no reason to visit them." He continues saying, "Does he have any in Europe?" 

"He would never have left the country without Eliza," Charlotte says, thinking. 

"Well, he can't just have vanished." He says exasperatedly. 

"Scotland...." Charlotte says to herself. "Scotland." 

"Why would he go to Scotland?" Thomas says dismissively. 

"Because James is there." She says. 


"James has gone to Scotland. Jasper might have gone to see him." She explains. 

"To stop the wedding, of course," Thomas says, Charlotte glances over at him but doesn't correct him. 

"He's not going to arrive back in time." She says 

"We don't know that." He says confidently 

"Can you ride to Scotland and back in two days?" Charlotte snaps.

Thomas throws his hands up in defeat. 

"How can we tell him that she died?" She murmurs in despair. 

"She's not dead yet." 

"But if she...." Charlotte asks, tears shining in her eyes. 

"We will deal with that if and when it happens!" He shouts, "Charlotte you need to calm down." 

Charlotte opens her mouth but she closes it when he glares at her. The shouting seems to have disturbed Eliza's fever as she moans and coughs.\Charlotte looks back at her husband and her heart weeps slightly, he has never shouted before.   

"I am going to get dressed." She mutters, she leaves the room and walks to their room.

Thomas watches his wife leaving and he curses himself. He calls a maid to watch over Eliza, the woman listens to his strict orders with a nervous expression. He looks down and realises he is still in his pyjamas. He enters their bedroom as his wife is fastening up a plum gown. She doesn't talk as he pulls on some fresh clothes. They both finish dressing at the same town and they meet at the closed door, Thomas shuts is behind them. 

"I am going to do some work." He says uncomfortably. 

"I think I'll sit with her and read." Charlotte holds up a copy of Romeo and Juliet. Thomas nods and leaves her by the door, she watches him walk down the stairs and disappear out of sight.

Charlotte sighs and walks to Eliza's room. The maid inside tells her what her husband had asked of her, Charlotte dismisses her immediately and takes the seat next to her friend. Eliza's face has grown more gaunt, her skin sticks out where her bones are and her shallow breathing has turned into rasping. Charlotte opens the book at the start and begins to read. Time passes, the maid brings food and tea for both of them.  Thomas remains in his study the entire day. Charlotte reads the book through till she is almost at the end, Eliza has shown no indication of worsening or improving. The night falls on the house and everyone's mood seems to have sunk with the sun.  Charlotte turns the page. 

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