Chapter 23

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Eliza walks down the stairs having left Harrington talking to James about his bachelor party or rather a long tour of every pub in London. She is still wearing Jame's borrowed clothes but by god, they don't press into her ribs or force her waist into a tiny circle. She is just about to join the others in the dining for supper when there is a knock on the door. She changes her path to the door, she reaches up and unhooks the latch, she turns the steel key in the topmost lock and pulls the door open. Charlotte stands on the top step.

"You are back!" Eliza cries in delight.

"Of course, I said I would return," Charlotte says kissing both her cheeks, she pulls back and takes in her friend's outfit. "Eliza, men's clothes aren't meant to be worn by ladies, it why they are made for men."

"Oh, how clever." Eliza rolls her eyes as she shuts the door on the cold night air.

"How is he?" Charlotte asks nervously linking her arms through hers as soon as the door is securely locked.

"He woke up about an hour ago." Eliza smiles,

"He did? That's wonderful." Charlotte's face then turns slightly grey. "Will he be strong enough for next Saturday?"

"His mother thinks so as does he."

"Then we should arrange an appointment for a dress fitting, immediately." She says happily. They reach the dining room. The table is empty apart from place settings and a few stuttering candles. The room is dimly lit but it has a cosy feel to it, the people sat around are in polite conversation until they notice to two women's appearance.

"Charlotte, a lovely surprise." Benjamin stands up, Helen and Penny follow suit, they curtesy.

"Benjamin, you look well," Charlotte comments with an infectious smile, he sits down with a slight smile.

"Lady Harrington, Miss Penelope, I am delighted that Jasper has woken." She turns to the two standing women.

"As are we," Helen replies taking her seat, Penny sits down with a plop.

"I am delighted that he will be able to undertake the wedding next Saturday," Charlotte says as she takes a seat next to Eliza's uncle while Eliza herself sits on the end.

"As am I, do you have your dresses finished?" Helen asks.

"I am to arrange an appointment for a dress fitting at Madame Olive's a soon as possible."

"Oh how lovely, I am in love with her styles, in fact, I have been meaning to acquire new dresses for me and Penny."

"Well, then I insist you accompany us." Charlotte says brightly, "We can have a ladies shopping trip!"

"Oh, excellent!"

Eliza cringes at the idea of spending more than ten minutes in a dress shop browsing let alone being fitted for a dress on a girls day out.

"Great." She mutters to herself.

"Eliza you are in no place to protest," Benjamin says sternly, "I don't even want to know why you are wearing that."

Eliza looks down at the borrowed clothes, tomorrow means back to corsets and hoop skirts. A bell rings signalling that the food is ready, Charlotte moves as to leave.

"I insist you join us for supper, it has been a trying time for us and some of us have neglected our stomachs." He shoots a pointed look at Eliza.

"Thank you." Charlotte settles comfortably in her chair and removes her coat.

Maids walk in a line holding trays laden with food, roasted meat, steamed vegetables, rich pastries and pies. Everything smells divine as it is set before the group. A young maid walks around and pours everyone a glass of red wine except Penny who receives a glass of elderflower cordial.

"Will, that be all Madame?" Luis asks appearing from behind the maids.

"It all smells delicious Luis, thank you." Helen praises, he bows and leaves. Penny, unable to wait any longer reaches straight for a particularly plump pastry, she juggles it in her hands due to its high temperature before dropping it onto her plate.

"Penny." Her mother reprimands her. "That's not how ladies eat."

Eliza fills her plate with chicken and potatoes and begins to eat, her ravenous hunger had not been helped by the few mouthfuls of soups upstairs so her stomach is in desperate need of sustenance. Everyone helps themselves to everything on the table until their plates can't take anymore.

"So this double wedding must be a struggle to plan?" Benjamin inquires of Charlotte as he takes bites of chicken.

"Not at all, it has been fun to plan though I fear my biggest challenge will be dragging Eliza to a single dress fitting." She replies amused.

Benjamin laughs. "Indeed, I cannot recall a time she has ever gone shopping in the last 7 years."

"Woah." Penny stops eating her gravy filled pastry, "You haven't had a new dress in 7 years?" Her face looks pitiful and scandalised in equal measure.

"No my maid picks them out for me," Eliza says sipping her wine.

"Well that won't do now you are about to become Duchess," Benjamin shakes his head. "You need a full new wardrobe, I think you should take advantage of these fashionable friends of yours."

"That sounds like fun," Charlotte exclaims.

"Uncle, a whole new wardrobe is an unnecessary expense." Eliza tries to reason.

"I have plenty of money that remains untouched." He waves his hand away and turns to her friend. "Charlotte, if you promise to pick a fabulous and fitting wardrobe for my niece then the expense is of no object."

" I vow to do my very best." She promises, her eyes alight with excitement.

Eliza sighs defeatedly and chews her food.

A few days later. Helen and Penny stayed in Chester Valley, they sent for enough clothes to last them until after the wedding. Jasper gained strength quickly though he grows frequently vexed as he is still not allowed out of bed. Eliza slipped into a nice routine of sleeping at Ryddan and the majority of the day at Chester, spending time with Jasper, Helen and Penny, making plans with Charlotte and looking after the stabled horses, sometimes James pops by and it's nice to talk to him. The dreaded shopping day drew closer until it is upon her. As usual, she walks to Jasper's room first thing. He is sitting up in bed reading the newspaper with a grumpy expression.

"Good morning." She says sitting down next to him. He grunts in response not bothering to look up.

"Aren't you delightful company this morning." She says slyly. He looks at her moodily for a second before the corners of his mouth begin to lift.

"It's today?" He asks smirking looking at her modest striped dress, long coat, gloved hands and small brown hat perched on her coiled hair.

"I am glad my misery makes you smile." She replies sarcastically, Jasper begins to chuckle.

"ELIZA!" Penny's voice carries loud and clear from downstairs. "It's time to go!"

"Already?" Eliza groans. "I'll see you when I return." She says standing up.

"Have fun!" He calls as she leaves the room.

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