Chapter 40

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The room she walks into is one of horrible taste, everywhere you look there are roses. On the china, on the walls, on the chairs, the tablecloth even the cutlery has roses embellished on the handle. So overwhelmed by the number of roses and the strong perfume, Eliza almost misses the squeal of delight. A woman of similar age jumps up from a rose chair and throws herself into Jasper's arms. She steps back and Eliza takes a good look at this childhood friend. There's no denying she is pretty, her hair is a shocking shade of red and it frames her love heart-shaped face, she is a little taller than Eliza but that may just be because of the hair piled on the top of her head. She is wearing a bright golden dress patterned with red roses.

"Jasper, I had no idea you were returning." Her voice is sweet and feminine, "My word I am a mess you must excuse my appearance. "

Eliza mentally rolls her eyes, there isn't one hair out of place on this woman.

"I am sorry to impose on you like this without an invitation," Jasper says.

"My door is always open to you Jasper." She lightly hits his arm and flutters her eyelids.

"You are most generous Mirabelle." He replies, she giggles but stops when she notices Eliza. She spreads her arms and pulls her into a hug.

"My you have grown, I almost didn't recognise you."

Eliza turns rigid as the stranger hugs her and she almost chokes on the thick cloud of perfume that surrounds her.

"Jasper you didn't tell me your sister had grown into such a beautiful young woman," Mirabelle says as she lets Eliza go. Eliza has to bite her tough to stop herself from laughing.

"Sister?" Jasper blinks confused, "No this is my wife."

"Wife?" She repeats the word and her face turns sour for a second but she covers it up quickly with a fake smile.

"Yes, this is Eliza." Jasper takes her hand and pulls her next to him, Mirabelle glares at their entwined hands.

"Congratulations." She says dully, eyeing Eliza for any sign of weakness.

"Thank you." Jasper coughs, "We were hoping we could join you for breakfast."

"Of course." Mirabelle says with renewed energy, "Come sit." She takes Jaspers free hand and pulls him round to the chair next to hers.

"You can sit opposite." She tells Eliza as an afterthought. Eliza takes her seat opposite Mirabelle, smirking as she brushes her shoulder against his. The table is laden with food, bread, cold meat, fruit and cheese.

"Coffee?" Mirabelle offers as she takes hold of a rose covered pot, she doesn't wait for a reply but fills Jasper's cup with the dark liquid. She doesn't offer any to Eliza. Jasper fills his plate with food and begins to eat, he doesn't speak. Mirabelle sips her coffee simply staring possessively at him, Eliza eats her bread and butter watching every little move Mirabelle makes towards her husband. Deciding she has indulged enough of her subtle flirtations Eliza speaks.

"I am sorry we didn't invite you to the wedding,"

Mirabelle doesn't even look at her so Eliza pushes a little further.

"Only I didn't know you existed. "

Mirabelle's head snaps up and glares at Eliza's smug face.

"Now I have met you I am surprised that Jasper didn't tell me of you."

Jasper looks at his wife, he notices a gleam in her eye and mentally curses her.

"I don't talk about my childhood much." He defends himself to Mirabelle who doesn't look happy with that answer.

"Don't worry," She takes hold of his hand, "I'll tell her about us." The emphasis on us.

She turns a snide glare on Eliza.

"We grew up together, he was my first kiss, our parent's arranged for us to be married when I turned 16 but I alas he went away, only visiting once a year or so but when he did return he always gave me the most beautiful presents from the places he had been. I was one lucky girl. I waited for him." Her eyes mist over and she wipes the fake tear away dramatically. "But I couldn't wait forever and soon my parents found another man for me to marry..."

"What a lovely tale," Eliza interjects. Mirabelle glares at her.

"You are a lucky girl Elisa," She says, "Don't lose him."

The last part sounded more like a threat than friendly advice.

"You said there was another man?" Eliza asks, curious.

"My late husband, the lord of Kent." Mirabella boasts, "You see my mother has a close friendship with Lady Elizabeth De Roch and she arranged the introduction."

"I don't remember my aunt mentioning your name," Eliza says honestly.

"Why would your aunt know me?"

"Elizabeth De Roch is Eliza's great-aunt," Jasper says.

"Oh, how lovely."

"Isn't it."

Sensing some animosity Jasper tries to steer the conversation in a different direction.

I was sorry to hear about your husband's death"

"Thank you, I felt returning to here was best for my grieving." Mirabelle leans forwards and places her hand on Jasper's and her chest touches him for a second. "I missed you, Jasper, you were always a dear friend and I hoped you would return."

"Jasper has yet to show me the surroundings," Eliza coughs demurely, "We were a little busy last night but I am sure it is a lovely place." She smiles at Mirabelle who looks like she is seeing red.

"Well." Jasper stands up before she can throw herself on his pleased wife. "Thank you for having us for breakfast, we must leave you for we have much business in town."

Mirabelle inclines her head stiffly, Eliza takes Jasper's arm and they follow her to the front door.

"Thank you, Mirabelle, this has been delightful." Eliza says, "We must have you over to dine soon."

"I would be delighted." Though her face suggests the opposite. They do their goodbyes and the front door shuts rather hard on their backs. Eliza drops her façade immediately. She storms over to their horses and is about to climb up when arms in case her waist and warm breath tickle her ear.

"I like it when you're jealous," Jasper whispers, she scowls and turns to face him.

"I was not jealous." She denies fervently.

"Is that why you said what you said?" He says, her cheeks flood with colour and she stutters.


"My, my...not afraid of words but throw in intimacy and she gets all flustered." Jasper kisses her neck and slowly moves up until he is kissing her lips.

"I think that should have convinced her." He murmurs.

"Hmm?" Eliza looks around confused and sees Mirabelle watching them from behind a curtain.

"I don't like her." She says to herself. Jasper laughs.

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