Chapter 55

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Jasper yawns as warm light hits the side of his face, he stretches his arms up in the air and opens his eyes, his gazes falls on the other side of the bed. His heart stops. He freezes, panic coursing through his veins. He leaps up from the bed and frantically dashes out of the room. He flies down the corridor to Thomas and Charlotte's room, he bangs his fists on the door.

"Wake up." He bellows. His shirt half falling off, he speeds down the corridor and opens every door he passes, one after another he sticks his head in before slamming it shut.

"What's going on?" Thomas asks appearing, a dressing gown hastily thrown over his striped pyjamas, Charlotte hurries after him, a dress covering her nightclothes, they all meet in the middle of the corridor.

"She...I don't...gone." Jasper struggles to speak between breaths. Charlotte looks mightily alarmed as he tries to talk.

"Jasper, calm down." Thomas says slowly, "Tell us what has happened?"

Jasper opens his mouth but no words come out. Thomas glances at his wife and they exchange a puzzled look.

"What are you all doing?"

Everyone freezes at the sound. They slowly turn to the direction of the voice. Eliza stands in her nightdress, a confused look on her face. Charlotte squeals in delight and runs to hug her best friend, Eliza sways slightly as she is hugged tightly. Tension seems to drain out of Thomas's stature at the sight of her whereas Jasper is as still as a statue. Charlotte lets Eliza go and kisses her on the cheek.

"Thank goodness you are awake." She says.

Eliza smiles and looks from her to Jasper who hasn't uttered a single sound.

"I woke weren't there. " He says to himself. "I thought..."

"I am sorry." Eliza apologises, she pulls her hand free and gingerly walks to her husband, she looks into his incredulous eyes. "For everything."

He looks down at her, he seems to have regained the power of speech, his mouth twitches furiously. "Where the hell did you go?"

Eliza blushes and looks down at the floor. "I...."

Everyone looks at her expectantly, Jasper's eyes seem to glare right through to her soul.

"I needed to pee."

There's a moment of complete silence then a smile reaches Jaspers' face and he pulls her into a crushing hug. Unsaid apologies, worries and confessions hang in the air however they ignore them and focus on the other.

"I feel very tired." She says as he lets her go.

"I carry you to bed." He says scooping her up into his arm, she is too weak to resist though she does try to squirm out of the hold but she stops as the effort is too much for her malnourished body.

"I'll call the doctor." Thomas says, "I'll inform him you are awake and call for some tea."

Eliza smiles her thanks as he leaves and she rests her head on Jasper's shoulder.

"Why don't you take a nap before he arrives?" He suggests as her eyes droop.

"I would but I feel awful and am in much need of a bath." She confesses. "I may need some help." She looks directly towards Charlotte.

"Of course," Charlotte says,

"Thank you," Eliza says.

"I'll go ready the bath," Charlotte says, she kisses Eliza's cheek before heading down the stairs.

Eliza looks up at Jasper, "Could you put me down?"

"You'll fall." He says bluntly.

"I will not." She says outraged.

"You haven't eaten in days and I can see your bones through your skin."

"That is ridiculous." She protests. "I am in perfect health."

"Now that is ridiculous," Jasper says, not letting her go.

"What is ridiculous is you standing holding me while we wait for my bath." She retorts, crossing her arms.

"You are hardly in a position to argue." Jasper says, "Though I concede it is slightly pointless."

Eliza smiles her victory through the smile soon vanishes as he walks into her bedroom and sits on the bed still holding her. Too tired and dirty to argue she closes her eyes.

"Thank you for coming to find me." She whispers.

"Always." He replies.

Before they can enter the realms of deeper conversation, Charlotte enters the room with three servants carrying a copper tub, two more enter behind lugging buckets of steaming water. The water in poured into the tub and a thin layer of steam rises from the surface. Jasper carefully places Eliza on the bed, he looks to say something but he doesn't, he nods once to both women before leaving the room, the servants leave after him, one hands Charlotte a box of oils and soap before shutting the door. Charlotte puts the oils on a table and walks around the tub to the bed, Eliza turns around so she can undo the laces of her dress. She helps Eliza into the tub, she leans back into the hot water, a box of scents and oils. She picks a few coloured bottles in the box, she pours the lavender scented bottle into the water, Eliza reaches for one of the bottles, she opens the rose bottle and rubs the oil all over her body.

"Lie down," Charlotte says, Eliza sinks deeper into the water, Charlotte puts some of the rose oil into her hair and massages her long locks. Eliza closes her eyes and the hot water caresses her muscles. Now that they are alone with no risk of intrusion the purpose of her travelling here is in the forefront of her mind.

"Are you pregnant?" Eliza asks. Charlotte's hands still in her hair. When she doesn't reply Eliza sits up and faces her friend.

"Are you?"

Charlotte's eyes fill with tears and she nods. Eliza lets out of a squeal of delight and hugs her best friend.

"This is fantastic news." She says excitedly, "Have you told Thomas?"

"I can't do it on my own," Charlotte says worriedly.

"Don't you think he is going be happy?"

"He talks of nothing but having a family, however, I need some moral support."

"I am sure he is going to be delighted" Eliza reassures, "As are your parents."

"I dread to tell them, you know how my mother overreacts." Charlotte rolls her eyes.

"You forget, you don't live with them anymore." Eliza points out.

"That is true." Charlotte considers for a moment but then she takes hold of Eliza's hands and looks directly into her eyes.

"Will you be the godmother?"

Eliza's eyes widen.

"Are you certain?" She asks, "I am not the most responsible or respectable of people."

Charlotte laughs but turns serious.

"I know that if something happened to Thomas and I that you and Jasper would love and look after the child."

"I cannot argue with that, therefore, I am honoured to be your child's godparent," Eliza says with a smile. Tears are rolling down Charlotte's face.

"Don't cry," Eliza says brushing the tears away,

"They are happy tears," Charlotte says sniffing.

There's a knock on the door and a serving girl pokes her head around the door.

"Sorry to disturb you miss's but the doctor is here."

"Thank you," Charlotte says, "Ready to get out?"

"Yes, I feel better now," Eliza says, Charlotte offers her arm, Eliza stands up holding on to her, she pulls on a towel gown and steps out of the tub.

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