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Taehyung's breathing got heavier and heavier each second passes. So maybe acting like a kid and locking himself in the laundry room to get away from Jungkook was the worst idea he's ever had. Well how was he supposed to know you could only use the key to unlock the door from the outside? The laundry room was very small and tight. It was literally one washing machine and one dryer machine right beside each other in what looked more like a closet than an actual room. The sound of the washing machine wasn't helping either, it made Taehyung feel a little more anxious since it messed with his hearing when Jungkook was trying to tell him something. So, he turned it off and he was able to hear the other tell him he'll help him get out of there. He responded with a faint "okay" and waited for help. It was starting to get warmer in there, beads of sweat began to make their way down Taehyung's forehead. Taehyung took a couple of deep breaths, trying to assure himself that he'd be okay. But will he really be okay? What if Jungkook decides this is his chance to get back at Taehyung? What if Jungkook doesn't help him? His thoughts paused when Jungkook says, "Taehyung, I'm gonna have to pick the lock but I don't have anything on me. I'm going to get stuff from our room I'll be right back." And that's when Taehyung was almost one hundred percent sure the other just said that as an excuse to abandon him. That's when tears started to well up in his eyes because damn, he really fucked himself up this time. Maybe all the times he pulled stupid pranks on Jungkook was why the other had enough. He was sure of it. He should have just let it roll off his back, he was the one who broke into Jungkook's dorm and stole something from him in the first place. Maybe he shouldn't have let their history affect his actions. Maybe he shouldn't have let go of Jungkook's hand earlier and acted so immature. But it's already done, right? Now he was helplessly re-thinking how much of a brat he's been acting, stuck in a dim-lighted laundry room for who knows how long. Before his first tear could drop, he heard three knocks on the door followed by, "Taehyung, I'm back." Relief made his tears finally fall. After all he's done to the other, there he was, on the other side of the door trying to get him out. At that moment Taehyung knew, Jungkook wasn't the bad person he always saw him to be. Jungkook was something else, someone different... someone better. "Jungkook, please hurry," he cries, putting his palms on the door and getting ready to break free. "Shit, this lock is different. I'm not really sure how to—" Suddenly everything went downhill again. Taehyung broke down, he started to continuously sob that even Jungkook could hear him from the other side. Then, he stopped. Why? Because someone's beautiful voice began to sing, "Everything's gonna be alright~ be alright~" Taehyung chuckled, they were lyrics to Justin Bieber's song, "Be Alright". Of course Jungkook would sing that out of any song. But that wasn't what Taehyung found funny. It was how Jungkook was obviously such a fan, and he remembered how he spotted that one JB underwear in Jungkook's wild collection. He really appreciated Jungkook's efforts to help him feel at ease. And his singing definitely did.

Taehyung didn't even notice the minutes pass by, the next thing he knew the door was opened and there stood Jungkook grinning at him. Before the brunette could even say a word, Taehyung clung onto him. It was unexpected, but knowing that Taehyung probably had a hard time stuck in the small space he just decided to play nice. "I promise I won't let go of you again. I'm sorry," the red head apologized. Jungkook was frozen, his brain was trying to process the fact that Taehyung just apologized to him. But most importantly, how Taehyung said it. Jungkook attempted to stop himself from smiling, "And I promise to make sure you don't let go of me again." It was almost perfect, until Jungkook had to add, "If I don't, I'll get floored by Yoongi hyung and Jimin." Nonetheless, the two giggled.

Underwear Thief 》 Taekook/Vkook ✔Where stories live. Discover now