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"You knew how I couldn't fully accept myself then. You respected that and you even agreed to keep us a secret. But, I didn't get to tell you how much you changed that in such a short amount of time. Taehyung, you taught me how to love and accept myself. How to care about what I think of myself first before considering what others could think of me.  No, nothing was wrong with you. Nothing was wrong with us. You made me the happiest person alive when you agreed to be mine. All those days we spent stuck to each other, I never forgot each one. I cherished all our memories because it was only a once in a lifetime experience. To be loved by and taken care of by someone as perfect as you. I'm sorry that I made you feel like shit. I'm sorry that I was basically killing you slowly when I told you I didn't want you to talk about us anymore. I'm sorry because I didn't properly break up with you and—"

"Properly break up with me? Jungkook, I didn't fucking need a proper break up! It was clear that you and I were done! I didn't need you to tell me right in front of my face that you didn't want me anymore. I just wanted fucking answers! Answers as to why you suddenly did that. Why you suddenly changed and started to be some fuckboy skipping school! Because I knew and you know... that isn't you. You're not like that. You're not irresponsible or some delinquent. You're intelligent, kind and loving. So why did you change that in a snap? Where did the real Jungkook go? Where did MY Jungkook go?" Taehyung looked at Jungkook with hopeful eyes, waiting for him to answer.

"I told you I valued you the most. If I lost you, I wouldn't know what to do. When I finally accepted myself, I knew I wanted to be with you freely. To hold your hand in public and let people know that you belonged to me. That's why I finally came out to my parents. I thought, maybe if you could accept me, then they as my parents should too, right? So I told them about us, I told them how much I loved you. But they didn't like that. They said it was just some phase. Hell, yeah I'm fucking stupid, but I'm not that stupid to know that they were wrong. I wanted you more than anything, and I was willing to do everything just to keep seeing you. Even if it meant from afar."

Taehyung choked on his tears, "A-afar?"

"They told me they would bring me back to Busan and I could study there if I don't 'wake up from whatever fantasy I was living in'. They were going to take me there and wouldn't ever let me come back. That's why I chose to stay away from you. I know it hurt you, it hurt me even more because I know you had so many questions and I had the answers but I was forbidden to tell you. I can't even live a day properly without you. You're the reason why I woke up motivated every morning, why I stayed so strong regardless of the lack of my parents' support. You were my lifeline, Taehyung. You were all I needed. And if I were to never see you again, I basically killed myself. I chose to drive myself away from you. Even if I had to love you from afar, I was willing to. I just couldn't lose the previlege of seeing you. Tae, I never left your side. I don't know if you noticed that, but you probably didn't since you started to hate me. When you spent all those nights crying, I snuck into your room when you were sleeping. Yes, that's fucking creepy, but I like I said, I can't live a day without you. I had to see you. I saw the tear stains on your cheeks, how your pillow was soaked with tears. It hurt, because I know I was the reason for that. Everytime you called me, I had to keep myself from answering the calls because I missed you so much. Every single text you sent, I read them all yet I couldn't reply to tell you that I was fine. I wanted to tell you why I had to do what I did, but I couldn't. I made you hate me because I thought it would've been better to hate me than to hurt yourself loving me. Obviously, it didn't work out the way I wanted it to because I still hurt you." At this point, Jungkook was already a sobbing mess. Finally, he could get everything off his chest.

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