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"Why did you do that?" Taehyung asks, wiping some dried blood off of Jungkook's bottom lip with a wet tissue. They were still in jail, behind the bars sitting on the cold floor with a few other people and waiting for Jimin and Yoongi to come and bail their asses out.

"Do what?" Jungkook wonders, flinching a little when Taehyung pressed on his cut a bit too hard.

"You know, pulled that lunatic off me and picked a fight with her boyfriend."

"Well, I had to defend what's mine, right?" Jungkook laughed. He realized his joke wasn't funny, "Sorry I'm just ki-"

"Well, good point."

Jungkook's eyes grew huge and he froze, "W-what?"

Taehyung chuckles, folding the tissue in half and putting it down. He scoots closer to Jungkook and grabs his face- one hand on each cheek, squishing his face. Jungkook's eyes were wide as hell and his squished face even made it funnier to Taehyung, "Well, since you never really left, you never really disowned me either."

"Disowned?" Jungkook giggles. Taehyung found it extremely adorable.

Jungkook lost his words, "D-does, do you... d-do you mean-"

"Yes," Taehyung smiles wide, eyes crinkling and cheeks turning a very light shade of pink.

"You.. you're?"

"Yes, Jungkook. I'm giving you another chance. Us another chance."

Jungkook was dumbfounded. When he got sick and Taehyung took care of him, when they agreed to be best friends again, Taehyung told him he was willing to give it another shot, but they'd start over with building a new friendship again. It wasn't very long ago, so it really surprised him to hear what Taehyung had just told him because damn, that was really quick. Maybe he should've squared up at someone for Taehyung way earlier.

Taehyung takes his hands off Jungkook's face and takes his hand instead, lacing their fingers together. They took a moment staring at each other and just smiling, regardless of being arrested prior. Unconsciously, both boys began to lean in closer, their focus on each other's lips. Their foreheads were now against each other's and their lips were a couple inches away from touching when-



Underwear Thief 》 Taekook/Vkook ✔Where stories live. Discover now