Class Zero

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, songs, places, events, and incidents are either product of author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

©Reynald Hernandez (Penguin20)


I will repost all Class Zero chapters from the top day-by-day para maalala ko rin ang mga nangyari sa story.

I also need to correct some facts. The real reason why this story was stop because ang dami kong nakitang loopholes and talagang 'di ako comfortable na ganoon. So I will write this again and this time, I will finish this story. Sorry guys if I make you wait for a very loooooong time.

Itong story po na ito ay standalone, meaning, kahit hindi ninyo basahin ang Anti Hero at Altheria: School of Alchemy ay okay lang pero kung gusto ninyo makita ang connection ng tatlong story... check the other story out. It's worth it.

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