| 008 - Dinner |

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Hi can I get a Trevor Scott burber?

I stare out the windows at the field. I can see people running around outside, all of them dressed in black uniforms with the iconic white symbol on their backs and some of them even carry weapons at their sides. My eyes travel back to the television which is playing some kind of show I have never watched before. I sigh and pull the blanket over my head.

This doesn't feel right.

I keep myself in the dark cocoon and feel my heartbeat, which had previously felt like it was beating out of my chest, slow down. I let out a small breath and then within seconds of calming myself down the ceiling voice speaks.

"Sir, the rest of the Avengers are requesting to be let in," The voice says and I peak out of my blanket to the kitchen, where Mr Stark and Miss Pepper are still at.

"Let them in and let them know we are in the kitchen," Mr Stark says before going back to talking to Miss Pepper. I watch from my spot as the two talk and make a face feeling weird because I shouldn't be staring at them. Luckily my attention is pulled to a small ding that is coming from the hall.

I watch as people walk into the room talking amongst each other and I notice them slightly. They are the Avengers. And they are all acting normal, I don't know what I expected but like they are normal people. If I saw them and didn't know they were super heroes then I wouldn't have looked at them twice. Well, maybe I would look twice at Thor but that's different.

"Hey guys," One of the guys calls out and I watch as he walks into the kitchen. "Ooh food," He says a second later and is followed by everyone else in the group. I don't recognize some of them, at all.

"You guys want some of my," I get up walking after them and abandoning my blanket on the couch. "I mean our," Mr Stark corrects himself when Miss Pepper nudges him slightly. "Pancakes." He says and everyone's eyes move to the food that is neatly stacked. They've made so much but now I understand, there are a lot of people here.

"Yes," Thor and another person say before rushing to take seats at a huge table. I stand in the door and watch as the others walk after them to the table, sitting down and going back to talking. Mr Stark must see me out of the corner of his eye because he motions for me to come sit down with them.

I shift my weight from foot to foot nervously. I don't want to look like a fool. Miss Pepper gives Mr Stark a look before coming over to me instead.

"You want to eat with us?" She asks gently and I look at the table where people haven't even noticed that Miss Pepper is away from the table and I nod.

I move after Miss Pepper, staying very close behind her and she sits down in a seat the has one open next to it. I instantly feel eyes on me and I look around to see a lady with red hair looking at me. She's the Black Widow.

I look down quickly at my empty plate not wanting to have conflict. I feel more eyes travel to me and I can't help but move around in my chair. I've never liked being the center of attention and I can already tell that this is going to happen.

"Man of Iron," Thor speaks up and my eyes travel to him. He seems nice although his looks come off as scary the way he acts is pretty cool. "There is a child in the compound." He says and I pout a little because I'm not a child.

"There is a child," The guy who I don't know the name of from before says and I look up at him.

"Yeah," I hear Mr Stark say and I look over at him who smiles. "We adopted a kid, everyone meet Peter Parker." He introduces me to everyone and I smile a little. I see Mr Stark saying something to the guy at the end of the table quietly. The guys travel from me to Mr Stark and that's when I realize that he is Mr Bruce Banner. He has a confused expression in his face as he listens to whatever Mr Stark is saying but is nodding in agreement.

"Introductions can wait, everyone eat up." Miss Pepper says and I can already tell that she can control everyone in this room. Everyone starts eating, still talking between bites and I watch as Thor literally uses his hands to eat. I look at him then Miss Pepper then him again.

"Thor," Someone says and I look to him.

"Yes, machine of war?" Thor says looking at the person. If man of Iron is Iron Man then machine of war must be War Machine. I think.

"He didn't mean literally," War Machine says and hands Thor a fork and napkin. I can't help but laugh a little at this to myself.

"Now you can eat." Another man says and Thor starts eating again. It gets loud quick and I sit around, listening into the others conversations. They try to pull me into them multiple times but I shake my head no, not wanting to talk to much or annoy them. I shift my food around on my plate without knowing and my senses start to go into overdrive to all the noise and I try to relax some more.

"You going to eat Pete?" A voice rings says to me and I look up to see the lady with red hair is talking to me. She gives me a slightly smile which makes the guy next to her raise his eyebrows but he turns back to the conversation he's having with the others. She looked scary at first but now she looks nice because she has a smile. I shake my head no and she glances at my plate. "You really should eat, you're basically skin and bone." She points out and I look at her. She looks to a bowl of bread and I reach to take a little roll. She seems satisfied by that because she gives me another smile before going back to talking to the others.


Originally Written: 11/18/19
Republished / Rewritten: 10/13/20
Proofread By: Ian H.

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