Chapter 25

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"Peter!" Ned practically yells into the phone,

"Hey, Ned. How's it going?" I ask and I can hear him freaking out on the other side of the phone.

"Peter! What happened to you? I thought you were like dead or something. Like you've been gone for like forever!" Ned talks fast and I just sit there with the phone to my ear listening to him go on and on because I know if I try to talk he would just cut me off with more questions. And quite frankly, I don't know how I should respond.

"You've gotta tell me what happened!" Ned finishes and I take a breath.

"Okay, so. Y'know where I am right?" I decide to start from the top and explain everything since he out of all people should know.

"Uhm, your at the orphanage yeah?" He says and I stay quiet. "I mean there was gossip for a little about you being adopted by Tony and Steve freaking Rogers-Stark but like yeah. Can you believe that? Anyways, after the Avengers called some press meeting they erased all of the footage and refused to talk about it for a while."  He explains and I groan internally.


"And then when you weren't at school Spiderman went missing and that confused a lot of people and the Avengers started searching the city. Which was like crazy."

"Ned," He pauses finally.


"You can't tell anyone okay?" I sigh and readjust the phone as I sit up.

"Yeah, of course. What's up?" He asks and I can tell he's intrigued.

"Look, I did get adopted by them." I pause thinking if I should tell him about me being Spiderman and decide against it. "There were some, complications." I explain shortly, so it didn't sound like I was just ignoring him and skipping out on school.

"Oh." He says and he sounds grim but his attitude changes quickly when he processes what I said. "Wait, I mean OH! You got adopted! By Avenger billionaires! Like oh my God, Peter!" He yells and I hold the phone away from my face and grin.

"Yeah it's pretty cool." I agree and he stops.

"Pretty cool? Peter, no. This, this is amazing. Like oh my gosh, can I visit? What do you call them? Are you guys like one big family? Who do you like best?" I laugh at his questions and think for a minute.

"Well, duh. You can visit, I'll just have to check in with Dad first. I call them like I would call family but yeah, we are like a big family which is nice. And," I smile and think about it for a minute. " I don't know who I like best."

"Oh come on! You totally know who you like best, you just don't wanna say it!" He laughs and I grin.

"Maybe. Maybe not."

"Wow Peter. Are you going to be in school soon? Cause I've got to do my homework but I can call you later." He explains and I groan.

"I don't know when I'll be back in school. I feel like I haven't been there in like forever." I smile slightly as I think about the people I haven't seen in forever.

"Oh well I hope you come back soon. It's been boring for me without you."

"Yeah, I bet."

"Wow, well I gotta go. Cya." He laughs and I find myself laughing along.

"Cya." I say and hang up and pull up the first news outlet I can think of for Queens. And there it is.

The first few articles which are trending are addressing the absence of Spiderman and addressing how the Avengers won't answer any questions. I sigh and read threw a few articles before my stomach growls.

I would call for Dad or Pops or maybe even Bruce but I don't think I need them. I feel fine. It's not like I'm puking my guts out.

I throw my legs over the side of the bed and my feet touch the cold ground making me want to get back up in the bed but I take slow cautious steps towards the door. I pull it open and look up and down the hall.

It looks empty so I keep the wall in arms reach as I make my way to the other end. When no one's there I find myself wondering the empty artificial lemon smelling halls until I wonder across two metal doors.

"Friday, can you let me out please?" I ask the AI wait for a response which doesn't take long.

"Sure, would you like me to make anyone aware you are leaving Dr Banners lab?" Friday asks and I shake my head. They don't really need to know. I'm hungry and I've made it this far. What could go wrong?

"No, I'm just going to the kitchen to get something to eat." I explain and the doors open silently. "Thanks."

"No problem, Peter." The AI says and I wonder down the hall and find myself in a lost.

"Uh, Friday. Which way is it to the elevator?" I blush because I know that Clint wound laugh at me for being lost in, again.

"Keep going straight and make a left Peter." Friday responds and I follow the directions till I reach the doors and they open for me.

I don't have to tell Friday where I'm going again because I've already told her I was going to the kitchen. The doors open and I find myself smiling like an idiot at the empty hall.

I walk out to the living room and see that the tv is on but it looks empty from where I'm standing. The kitchen also seems empty so I walk over to the doorway and freeze.

Dad, Pops and the rest of the Avengers are deep in conversation and don't seem to notice me at first but Aunt Nat looks up and spots me. Everyone ends up following her gaze once they see she's no longer paying attention.

I shift uncomfortably but try to smile to let them know I'm okay.

"Hey." I grin trying to break the new silence.

"Peter your not supposed to get out of bed." Bruce rubs his forehead but I can see the smile in the corners of his mouth.

"Sorry I was hungry." I laugh a little and inch closer to the kitchen island. The island is covered in folders and papers along with Stark tablets. I glance at them then to the fridge because priorities.

"What do you want to eat kid?" Pops asks and I shrug. "Want some toast?" He asks and my stomach growls in agreement.

"Sure." I smile and sit down at the table with the rest of the team and they automatically start up with conversations keeping me in the loop of what has really happened when I wasn't around.

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