Chapter 44

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I stand at the back door and look for Deans car. Maybe he changed his mind. Maybe he doesn't want to come. Maybe he was just coming to make me happy but decided just to go home.

No. Dean wouldn't do that.

He sounded so happy when I told him I wanted him to come. I don't know how he feels about me inviting him to a Stark Gala but if I can keep him away from Dad and Pops, I should be fine.

We should be fine.

I remember the last few days we've spent with each other. He took me on dates and talked to me in school and I love spending tome with him. I think about everything we have done together. He wouldn't abandon me like that.

"Hey." Dean says and I look up. I didn't even notice him when he got here because I was lost in my own head. He hands me a rose and I blush because he's so stupid and cliche but it's cute and I love it at the same time. He's wearing a black suit and I can honestly say we look good together.

"Hey." I smile and take the rose.

"Is it too early to ask for a kiss?" He grins and I feel my face then red.

"Is it?" I laugh lightly and he shrugs.

"I guess I'll have to steal one then." He sighs dramatically and I look up at him.

"Hm, okay." I laugh and he tilts my head up to kiss me. I smile when he pulls away and can't help but blush even more. "Thief."

"Guess Spiderman will send me to jail." He laughs and I take a quick breath. He can't know that I'm Spiderman, can he? "Oh well, it's good he's not here." He grins and I smile in return.

"Right." He doesn't know.

"So, can I meet your family?" He asks and I look into his eyes. He really wants to meet them, he really wants to be with me.

"Uh, I'm not exactly sure where they are right now." I lie. They are out in the ballroom, waiting for the doors to open. Dad is dramatic like that and he wanted to make a huge entrance, he told me it was okay if I didn't want to participate in said entrance.

"Oh that sucks. I've gotta meet them sometime." He grins and I nod.

"Yeah, sometime." He says and offers me his hand.

"I think they are opening the doors. I wanna see if we can find Mr. Stark." He smiles and I can't help but smile back. He looks so excited to be here, almost as excited as I did when I first saw Dad's Iron man suit collection.

"Yeah. He's one of my favorites." I smile and know that if I said that in front of any of the Avengers they would throw a fit.

"You would say that." He laughs and I shrug.

"It's the truth."

"Okay, Peter." He shakes his head and takes my hand leading me after him. "Let's go." He laughs and I smile follow after him.

We walk through the ballroom, everyone is dressed up really nice and we both stop when we recognize a couple of people, some big celebrities but you can tell everyone is looking for Dad or anyone else. When I think I see my family I turn around and walk in the other direction but Dean walks with me. We spend at least an hour walking around and talking and joking about stupid things around us.

We stop when a noise echos through the room and everyone falls into a hush. On a balcony at the top of another staircase is my whole family with Dad right in the middle. We stare up at him and I look over to Dean and know I made the right choice to invite him.

"Hello and welcome to the Stark Gala. Before we start this night, I'd like to make a few toasts." Dad starts off and everyone around the room is completely quiet and focused on him now. "To my husband and team, for everything that we have all been through. And even with out differences we've still stuck together." A cheer rises from the crowd and I move closer to Dean. He gives me a confused look but offers me his hand again. "To everyone who decided to show up tonight and make this night one to remember." Another cheer and people around the room celebrate, after all it is a night to remember. "And too my son," Dad says and my heart sinks. No. No. No.

"Our son." Pops steps up and I feel my heart beating so fast it hurts. I take a step back and look around me. Everyone is definitely confused and they are looking around wondering who is their son and where he is. I'm right here. I feel my breathing speed up and swallow the feeling in the back of my throat, I can't do this. I wanted to tell Dean. To tell the world.

Why are they doing this?

Without telling me?

I run a hand through my hair messing up all of Aunt Nats hard work and try to think how I can stop this.

At the same time I know I can't stop it.

I can't stop the world or Dean from finding out I am Peter Rogers-Stark.

"Yes, our son, who has my brain and Steve's personality," Dad laughs and holds Pops hand. The room has looked back up to them and I want to sink into the ground. Or disappear right now but I can't move. "Peter Rogers-Stark!" He says and he sounds so happy.

He has no idea he just tore my lies, my relationship, my normal life, down.

The next few seconds feel like centuries.

I watch as people turn to look for me, the boy who looked completely normal but really isn't. I hear everyone in the room cheering, clapping, yelling my name. I feel Dean let go of my hand.

"Peter..." He whispers and I feel tears building up in my eyes. I feel like I'm choking and go to say something but I know it's too late.

"Calm down, people. I'm sure the press would love all of your reactions later on tonight. For now let's enjoy our evening!" Dads voice echos through my head and I watch as Dean backs up, turning his back on me, pushing his way through the crowds of people and I rush after him.

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