chapter nine

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The sun was warm on their backs as they continued through the heated scorch, no one spoke once again, everyone still feeling the pain of their friend's death from the fateful day before.

Elodie daydreamed, she was bored as the only things to look at in the desert were large rocks, sand, the faint view of buildings behind them and the tiresome mountains in front.

She thought about Winston from the day before, his rotting body going through the changing, it was still fresh in her mind.

On the node of death, Elodie then found her mind randomly lingering to the face of her fallen friend: Alex.


"Rise and Shine Els!" Her eyes fluttered open as she turned to her side and saw two wide eyes staring back at her.

"It's too early!" Elodie groaned and rolled back on to the other side.

"We have to get our run in before I have to leave with the runners." Alex pleaded. Elodie gave in and sat up, rubbing her eyes.

She quickly changed into some extra clothes she had and sneakers that were usually for the runners but Alex esupplied her with some, especially for their runs.

Every morning, the two would go on a run circling the perimeter of the Clear, just talking and cooling off before anyone else was awake and Alex had to leave for the maze.

"Ready to go?" Alex smiled at her friend who shook her flask as a response.

They quickly warmed up by doing simple stretches, Elodie was a very flexible person and had no difficulty, then they went into a mild jog.

"So how are you and Link?" Alex asked her.

"Well, he's getting to the I love you part of our 'relationship' if that's what you can even call it." Elodie blushed thinking about the dark haired boy she felt deeply about.

"That's so good Els!" Alex squealed in return, excited for her best friend.

But now, Elodie felt a deep jab at her heart when she thought about the memory.

"What about you and Jack?" She playfully knocked Alex's elbow.

"Well, we ran together yesterday and found a new sector." Alex joined Elodie in turning a bright shade of rose, "I think he really brings out the best in me." Both of them burst out giggling.

Their laughs turned into a sinister snicker as the memory turned dark as the fact that Alex was dead flooded her mind.



Elodie was snapped out of her thoughts by Newt's gentle voice, she realised she had fallen at the back of the pack, where the boy joined her.

"Hey." She gave him a weak smile.

"What were you thinkin' about?" He asked her, reading her face for any signs of emotion.

"Just about times back in the Clear." Her heart still heavy from thinking about her dead best friend.

"Alex, was it?" Newt asked. "Your friend?"

"How did you know her name?"

"You mutter her name a lot, especially in your sleep." Newt returned the small smile.

"Yeah, she was my best friend in the Clear." Elodie felt herself fighting back tears and trying to talk through the lump forming in her throat.

"Winston was one of my best friends." Newt added quietly.

"How could you do it?"

"Do what?"

"The gun."

He stayed silent for a short time as they continued walking.

"Well I've somewhat been in Winston's position before." He took a deep breath before adding, "I know the feeling of wanting to die cause you feel like a burden."

Elodie looked into Newt's sad and watery eyes and carefully saw the vulnerable and broken boy he really was.

"Newt..." Was all Elodie could muster the courage to say.

"It's not a pleasant story."

"I'm not gonna pressure you, but if you want, you can tell me."

Newt looked at the others, who were well ahead of them.

"There was a time when the deaths didn't stop in the Glade, they happened often and it felt horrible and it didn't help that I felt so trapped in the maze, like there was no way out."

"I felt so guilty and miserable that I felt like there was only one option left for me."

Elodie felt her heart fall a thousand feet for him, she knew what he meant.

"When I was still a runner, I climbed up one of those huge walls in the maze and pushed myself to jump."

She felt her breath hitch in her throat, she looked at the ground, tears filling her eyes.

"I still remember it, the freedom of falling, I remember thinking for a split second that it was all a mistake but I embraced it and thought I was ready."

"But I was caught up in the vines, which broke the fall and I obviously survived and only broke my right leg, thankfully."

"Oh Newt..." Elodie didn't know how to respond, once again, she just looked at him. Then she felt a rush of sadness and she found herself crashing in his arms. He was surprised at first, but hugged her back, as the tears they withheld flowed down their faces.

"It's ok, it's ok Newt, those deaths were never your fault, Winston was not your fault." She reassured him as he sobbed in her arms.

After they collected themselves up, the two realised how far along the rest of the group had travelled.

"We should catch up." Newt's voice was shaky but steady enough. Elodie nodded as a response and they continued their journey in a comfortable silence.


As she laid behind the sand dune, in between the two people she felt safest with, Luke and Newt, Elodie thought about how much this group had experienced.

They were pushed and pulled by WCKD for their cruel experiment and some of them were shoved over the edge of sanity, looking at death as their only option.

Elodie let her warm tears fall freely down her face as she looked up at the twinkling stars, she thought about the pain everyone had already experienced in their lives, particularly the blond one next to her.

She felt immense heartache for the boy, he had been hurt too much.

Why is this happening to us, Elodie thought, We're only kids.


Woah, this chapter was so deep and really took a lot to write it, listening to sad songs helps lol

I'm so sorry for lack of updates, it's been the busiest couple of weeks, but I'm back in the swing of things :)

But guys, Newt and Elodie are becoming so close it's actually making my heart burst!

I know this chapter was quite short but it had a flashback and sad scene in it so...

hope you guys enjoyed!

-ivy x

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