chapter twelve

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"Elodie, wake up!"

She felt herself wake up in the burning pains from sleeping on the harsh ground, everyone was slowly getting up and she followed. She was dazed and confused as to what everyone gawked at.

"See that..." Thomas pointed straight ahead, "Its lights."

Elodie looked carefully to where the boy pointed and saw the tiny dots of light.

After feeling a small spark of hope for survival, Elodie felt the dehydration and starvation had taken a huge toll on her body she had a dry mouth, raging stomach, dizzy head and massive exhaustion even though she had just woken up.

"We made it." Newt muttered the words of triumph, but the moment was short lived as a loud bang clattered behind them, causing all heads to violently turn.

Dark clouds quickly loomed over their heads with streaks of light cutting through and bringing deafening booms with them. Each one making Elodie jump the slightest.

"Come on, let's go!" Thomas prompted the group to grab their bags and rush away to safety.

Elodie grabbed her minimal belongings and caught a glimpse of Jack and Mel, who she forgot had arrived the eventful night before. It was odd seeing them, it was like seeing real life ghosts wandering around.

Moving quickly, Elodie broke into a slow jog, the morning drowsiness slowing her down and it didn't help that her body still ached from the rough sleep. She steadied herself at the back of the group. They ran toward the mysterious lights blinking north.

Getting tired easily, Elodie mistakenly let herself get tired and she slowed down wanting a breath, she slowed down next to Minho, she looked behind and saw the dangerously close lightning flashes very close behind.

She felt her feet move faster as she ran away frantically, but it wasn't fast enough.

The bang was a booming sound, but she didn't realise it much as Elodie flew back hard and slid on the ground, her whole body felt an immense burning pain and an ear splitting ring shook her ear drums and didn't stop for awhile. She realised her ankle took full force of the fall.



She heard muffled screams of her and Minho's names. Elodie opened her eyes fully and saw her brother, Jack, Mel and Newt crouched over.

"Oh my God Els, are you ok?" Luke helped her sit up, where she saw Minho a few metres to her left, lying on the ground, with no sign of life.

"Guys! Minho's laying on the ground, he needs more help than me." Elodie directed their attention to their other friend, who needed a lot more help, as only Thomas and Teresa crouched beside him.

"Are you sure?" Newt held one of her hands.

"I'm completely fine guys, go help him!" Elodie earned a few worried glances but they gave in and quickly took action.

Elodie saw another wave of lightning quickly approach, so she mustered all the strength she could and lifted herself off the floor, while feeling the unforgiving pain of her hurt ankle.

She pushed through and jogged as fast as she could to the building, which was thankfully closer in distance. She spotted everyone lifting Minho to safety and saw no way for him to fall and hurt himself more, which she was satisfied about.

She ran in and helped them to place the unconscious boy on the ground carefully, it was pitch black and the only light was from Frypan's torch, which was shone on Minho's face to help them see if he wakes up.

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