chapter thirteen

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A/N: GUYS IM OFF HIATUS! Expect more updates x 

"Good plan Thomas, hear what the man has to say. Really working out for us."

"Shut up Minho."

They had ended up upside down, hanging from the ceiling, with ropes burning the skin on Elodie's ankles, making it even more unbearable and painful. She let out a grunt.

"You ok Elodie?" Newt, who was next to her, looked in concern. She nodded my head and gave a convincing smile, she didn't want anyone worrying about her.

"Maybe I can reach the rope..."

"Enjoying the view?"

Everyone looked towards the platform and saw Jorge come into view. His face just infuriated Elodie.

"What the hell do you want." Thomas spoke up.

"That is the question." He strutted around as he spoke, "My men want to sell you back to WICKED. Life has taught them to think small. I'm not like that. And something tells me your not either."

Sell us back? Thinking small? Nothing this man said made sense to Elodie.

"Is the blood rushing to my head or is this shank not making any sense?"

"Tell me what you know about the Right Arm." Jorge ignored Minho's comment.

"I thought you said they were ghosts." Newt spoke up.

"I happen to believe in ghosts." Jorge continued, "Especially when I hear them chattering on the airwaves." So that's what he was doing on the radio.

"You tell me what you know and maybe we can make a deal." 

"We don't know much." Thomas said.

Jorge, unsatisfied, pulled a lever which lowered the roped suddenly, it made Elodie's ankle throb.

"Woah, woah! Ok, ok." Thomas gave in, "They're hiding in the mountains and they attacked WICKED and they got a bunch of kids. That's it , that's all we know."

"Yo Jorge. What's going on?" A voice said from the hall, one of the guards came in, looking as intimidating as ever.

"Me and my new friends were just getting acquainted." He gave the Gladers a look, "We're done now.."

He tricked us, Elodie thought. She felt furious at how much he got her hopes up and her ankle was really beginning to burn as if it was on fire.

"Hey, Wait! You're not gonna help us." Thomas called out, anger laced with his words.

"Don't worry hermano, we will get you back to where you belong. Hang tight." He laughed and then walked out. Everyone grunted in annoyance.

Another wave of pain hit Elodie's ankle, worse than before.

"Bastard!" She  shouted, everyone's eyes fell on me, her face went a bright shade of red.

"Woah Elodie, calm down a bit yeah?" Minho laughed, which was followed by a short abundance of snickers. she laughed along with them.

"We've gotta get outta here." Jack said, looking around for a possible way out. Elodie looked at Teresa, thinking that there was some way we could use her position to their advantage as she was only a few feet from the platform.

"Wait Minho, try pushing Teresa to the platform." She looked at the distance and knew it was a good possibility.

"Yeah that's a good idea Els." Luke said, "Here, Minho." Luke grunted as he reached out for Teresa's hand and handed her to Minho.

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