chapter ten

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It was dark, Elodie knew she was fully aware she was asleep but found herself standing in the midst of this pitch black place.

Suddenly, a figure appeared out of the dark and made their way to Elodie, transitioning from blurry to clear as they grew closer.

Elodie could recognise that face anywhere.



As soon as she realised it was actually him, Elodie threw herself into his arms nuzzling  into his chest, an unfamiliar feeling zoomed through her body suddenly. She stepped away and blushed.

"I missed you Elly." Link beamed, his face bright and youthful.

"I miss you and everyone else so much." Elodie felt as if he had a Godlike presence, she didn't really feel 'him' there.

"You miss the Clear?" He asked. She slowly nodded in return. "Come on!"

He went into a slow stride and after a while, stopped. He held out his hand to the side for Elodie to accept and she did just that.

The darkness around them began to transform into the familiar scene of the Clear.  Green grass sprouted from the ground beneath their feet, trees and plants started to form as well as the massive walls that fenced them in.

Elodie found herself in awe looking around at the world being built around her, people appeared and she recognised her friends; Alex, Luke, Rose, Jack, Mel and countless other familiar faces. She felt a touch on her shoulder.

"Elly I loved you so so much." Link beamed "We never finished what we started back in-"

He was cut off suddenly by a large bang that Elodie was awfully scared of.

Soldiers filed into the clear, screams started to be heard and she tried to fight some but they ran straight through her as if she was a ghost.

"Elly!" Countless cries for help were called and Elodie screamed, feeling helpless as she watched all her dear friends get beaten to pulps. Elodie tried to help several of them but it was useless and Elodie just sobbed and screamed for mercy.

The world once again disintegrated into thin air back into darkness, Elodie barely noticed through her tears, she only stopped when she felt a strong and piercing wind bite at her skin.

She looked up to see the unsettling scene of the bare scorch, looking rough and daunting, laughing at Elodie's fear. She shielded her face from the sand blowing everywhere and tried trekking through and realised that she reached the camping spot fairly quickly.

"Took you a while Elodie." A voice called out, she slowly looked up to recognise her Glader friends and brother, but something was off about their appearance.

But as she approached closer, she came to the terrifying realisation that they were going through the same process Winston went through.

She focused the most on Newt and Luke because their infections were the worst. Luke had dark eye bags and veins from his eyes, his skin was tinted the slightest green. Newt looked even worst, his eyes had turned fully black, his veins covered the whole surface of his skin and a dark blue gooey substance dripped from his mouth.

Elodie froze in her spot, horrified at the sight. Everyone started to creep towards like animals and she didn't want to imagine what happened next.


"Hey, hey, hey!"

Elodie jolted up from the horrendous nightmare that resulted in her sweat-soaked body and quick and heaving breaths.

She slowly turned to her side and looked into the eyes of the worried and normal boy next to her.

"You ok Elodie?" Newt's gentle voice soothed her, he held his hand on her shoulder in comfort calming the girl down. "Just breathe."

He was clearly quite confused about what had happened, but he didn't hesitate to hand her his flask of water to drink from.

"Thanks." Her raw throat welcomed the cold liquid with open arms.

After a while Elodie came to her senses and looked around, it was still the dark hours of the night and everyone was still fast asleep.

She quickly observed Newt's face and could point out his eye bags and tired eyes, she realised that he hadn't fallen asleep yet.

"You're awake?" She asked him

"Couldn't sleep." He laid back down on his sleeping bag and Elodie copied his actions. "Can I ask what your nightmare was about?" He turned his body towards her.

"It was about the Clear, and my old friends and all of you guys, in my dream you were all infected." She pieced together all of the long and distant part of her ordeal.

"Well I'm right here." Newt took Elodie's hand and stroked it gently. They looked up at the sky that was peppered with stars and she felt her body relax and calm down.

She turned her body towards Newt's who was next to her and stared into his dark eyes and fell into them like a deep abyss, she found them mesmerising and hard to look away.

"I'm not tired."

Their faces were so close, Elodie felt his warm breath on her face. She took her time observing the little details she never noticed. The tiny scratches left by grains of sand, dirt that stained his skin and the faint lines engraved on his forehead.

Overwhelmed by the intimate moment, she turned away abruptly. A moment of silence was followed by Newt playing with her hair from behind, he intertwined his fingers with the tangled and curly tufts but it still made Elodie comfortable.

"The Mistake." He said, Elodie twisted her head back to him.


"Your tag, it reads 'The Mistake' " Newt explained "Back of your neck."

"Mistake?" Elodie questioned the choice of her label. "Wow I feel so loved."

"I'm sure it has a valid reason.." His chatter was followed by a tired yawn and Elodie felt the exhaustion take over her body as well.

"We better get to sleep for tomorrow." Elodie laid back down with her still very active brain and closed her eyes.

"Good night Elodie."

"Good night Newt."


Finally updated! Once again sorry for the long wait but the last few weeks were super busy. But guys, Newt and Elodie had another cute ass moment and also sorry for the shorter chapter.

I've finally finished the term so I get a two week break so expect two or three updates a week

- ivy x

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