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     CAMILLE COULD NOT fall asleep. She was dressed in a pair of green pajamas Draco had bought her last year for her birthday. She kept thinking about the events of the welcome banquet, including the new professor the Ministry of Magic had sent over. She knew this was only a precaution because of what happened to Cedric, and she felt even more annoyed when Cho cornered her afterwards and asked her how she was coping.

Maybe she should've taken up her father's offer and stayed home this year — she could have planned her revenge in the comfort of her own home.

Another hour passed before Camille decided to take a trip up to the Owlery so she could write her parents a letter about her day. She knew the house was probably filled with the sounds of her mother's cries, considering the woman had not stopped since Cedric's body arrived on the field with Harry Potter on the night of the last Triwizard Tournament task.

On the way there, she heard a voice call out to her.

"Excuse me! It's past curfew, five points from Slytherin."

"I'm not in Slytherin," Camille responded, turning on her heel to face Hermione Granger.

The Gryffindor's face flushed red when she realized her mistake. Camille noted that she was now reluctant to dock house points after the discovery of who it actually was. Camille guessed it was because Hermione felt upset over what happened with Cedric.

"Draco gave me these pajamas, though, and you're free to take points from him if you want to."

Hermione never understood why Camille was dating Malfoy, especially since she was supposed to be smart enough to understand the right guys from the wrong guys. However, she had to give credit where credit is due, and Malfoy never failed Camille when she was in the process of grieving over her brother.

"What? Feel too guilty to take points from Ravenclaw now, Hermione?"

"I-" she began, unsure of how to respond. Luckily, Ron came over to see what the commotion was about. Unluckily, he was also awkward and did not know what to say to Cedric Diggory's younger sister. The Diggory family lived close to the Weasley's and their fathers worked together, but Ron never had much connection with the Diggory siblings.

"Oh, hi, Camille. Um, nice pajamas you got there."

"Thank you. If you two have a qualm about me being out past curfew, you could gladly tell the prefects of my house. They'll dock off the points if you're too scared to," she challenged, raising an eyebrow.

"It's not that, Camille," Hermione began. "We just don't want to bring you any more trouble than you've already had to deal with all summer."

She shot them a fake smile. "I'll have you both know that I'm fine now. Draco no longer needs to comfort me because I've lost all control of my emotions in the hallway. Cedric's passed, and I've accepted it. That's a part of life."

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