Episode 20

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The Devil You Know

Crowley: Fancy a fag and a chat? You're upset. We should discuss it. Not here, but...

Sam: You want to talk? After what you did to us?

Crowley: After what I... what I did to you?!? I gave you the Colt!

Sam: Yeah, and you knew it wouldn't work against the Devil!

Crowley: I never!

Sam: You set us up. We lost people on that suicide run... good people!

Crowley: Who you take on the ride is your own business! Look, everything is still the same. W- we're all still in this together.

Crowley: Shut up, the both of you! Look... I swear... I thought the Colt would work. It's an honest mistake. It's all part of the learning process. But nothing's changed. I still want the Devil dead. Well... one thing's changed. Now the devil knows that I want him dead. Which, by the way, makes me the most buggered son in all of creation.

Dean: Holy crap. We don't care.

Crowley: They burnt down my house! They ate my tailor! Two months under a rock, like a bloody salamander! Every demon on Hell and Earth's got his eyes out for me! And yet... Here I am... Last place I should be... in the road, talking to Sam and Dean Winchester, under a friggin' spotlight! So come with me. Please. Do you want the Horsemen rings or not? Yes, I know all about that. Shall we?

Crowley: Sam's not coming.

Sam: And why the hell not?

Crowley: Because I don't like you... I don't trust you... And... oh, yes... You keep trying to kill me.

Sam: There's no damn way. This isn't gonna happen!

Sam: I'm strong enough.

Bobby: You ain't. He's gonna find every chink in your armor, Sam, and use it against you... Your fear, your grief, your anger. And let's face it.. You're not exactly Mr. Anger Management. How are you gonna control the Devil when you can't control yourself?

Crowley: Please. I've sold sin to saints for centuries. Think I can't close one little demon?

Brady: See... War and Famine, even if I could cram the rings back on their bony fingers, I doubt it would do much good. They're withered husks right now... fetal position on the floor... all thanks to you. So I don't want the rings. What I want is retribution. And I'm gonna rip it out of your ass!

Crowley: I begged Dean not to come back. We should be miles away... from you. He replied with a colorful rejoinder about my 'corn chute'.

Crowley: God. The day I've had. Good news. You're going to live forever.

Brady: What did you do?

Crowley: Went over to a demons' nest, had a little massacre. Must be losing my touch, though. Let one of the little toads live. Oops. Also might have given said toad the impression that you left your post last night because you and I are... wait for it... lovers in league against Satan.

Dean: All those angels, all those demons, all those sons of bitches.... They just don't get it, do they, Sammy?

Sam: No, they don't, Dean.

Dean: You see, Brady... We're the ones you should be afraid of.

Bobby: You're Crowley?

Crowley: In the flesh... of a moderately successful Literary Agent out of New York.

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