Chapter Thirteen

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Max's POV:

I can't do this.

I quickly realize that as the Mog unlocks and opens my cell and the other two rush in to grab me. I try to fight against them, but I know I can't. They're too strong and I'm too weak.

They drag me out of the cell and I catch Nico's eye. He looks at me and immediately notices that something's wrong. I don't blame him. It looks like I'm barely fighting back against the Mogs when really I'm using all my strength. My arms and legs feel like lead and my eyes are droopy. I just want to fall asleep and when I wake up, all of this will be over. But that can't happen, and I know that.

Nico seems to examine me as the Mogs drag us around the skimmer until we reach a large open door leading out to a steaming desert, completely empty except for one huge building a few yards ahead of us. It's unfortunately familiar and I automatically know where we are at the first sight of it.

Dulce Base in New Mexico.

Leo's POV:

I don't know what to do. None of us do.

How did the Mogs know we were here? How did they know that we were in New York, in this penthouse?

Okay, to be completely honest, I'm not even thinking about how the Mogs knew our location. The only thing on my mind is Max. I let her get captured. I could've saved her. I could've run up to the roof, set whatever Mog had her on fire and went back down to the penthouse with her. I could've hidden her. I could be with her right now, not moping and dreading over what'll happen to her. 

Then out of the corner of my eye, I spot Clarisse and Reyna talking seriously with Annabeth and Hazel. If I went to save Max, they would both be dead. How could I say that I'd rather have Max here than two other demigods alive?

I sigh and bury my head in my hands, sitting on a chair by the occupied couches around me. Everyone's silent. Jason and Ivan told everyone what happened to Max, about the drink Bryce gave her. Annabeth suggested they stayed here until we find a way to get Max back. At least they both have shirts on now.

I'll get my Max back, I swear I will.

Max's POV:

Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope.

Why this place? Of all places? They don't have another base somewhere else they can bring us to? Gods these fricking Mogs.

Nico and I are dragged inside by the Mogs, past guards and past rows of cells and rooms I can't see inside of. I don't want to, to be honest.

But Nico and I aren't thrown into cells or into a pit of pikens. They just shove us into a dark, empty room. It's pretty big and I recognize it almost immediately- the room we had a fight with the Mogs and Setràkus Ra. The only difference is that now there's a huge rectangular hole dug into the middle of the room. Setràkus Ra. Gods, I haven't thought about that idiot in awhile.

"Why'd they put us here?" Nico asks and I shake my head.

"I-I don't know."

"Okay, seriously. What happened to you?" Nico asks me, staring at me with a confused face.


"Max, you're shaking."

I forgot I was doing that.

I look down at the floor and open my mouth to tell him about the drink when the door to the room slams open. I whip my head up to see my four least favorite people in the world- Setràkus Ra excluded- and one I don't recognize; Octavian, Bryce Lawrence, Curtis, and- of fricking course, because life loves me so much- Remo Helmer. The last is obviously another Roman demigod by his gold armor and gladius, but I've never seen him until now. Definitely another traitor, most likely with legacies to top it all off. I'm not sure if I feel angry, depressed, guilty or annoyed. Probably all four.

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