Chapter Fourteen

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Max's POV:

They don't hesitate. Bryce raises his arms out towards Nico, who's being restrained with telekinesis by the fourth demigod.

"No!" I shout and start towards them but Curtis grabs my shoulders and slams my back against the wall. I kick his shin and knee his stomach until he lets go of me, but when he does, Octavian uses telekinesis to pin me to the wall. Of course he does.

I watch helplessly as Bryce hands the now-controlled Nico a large drink from- McDonalds? What the Hades is that? Anyways, Nico heads towards the hole in the middle of the room and pours the drink inside of it, muttering words under his breath. I try to fight against Octavian's telekinesis, but I know that I can't, no matter how hard I try.

"Let the dead taste again. Let them rise and take this offering. Setràkus Ra, show yourself!" Nico chants as he throws the empty cup aside. White smoke curls from the hole and it quickly transforms into a muscular, seven-foot tall man, monstrous and grotesque, his skin a sea of scars and his posture proud and confident.

"Remo, now." Octavian orders Remo. He hesitates, glancing at me, but walks towards Setràkus Ra and extends his hand out towards the deceased Mogadorian leader.

"Remo, no!" I shout at him, and apparently that's enough for my powers to finally kick in.

A huge wave of water is suddenly created out of thin air, crashing into Bryce and Remo. Octavian and Curtis stand still in complete shock and Nico blinks rapidly. The fourth unknown demigod, though, growls at me and lifts his arm towards me. I send a second wave at him and blast Octavian and Curtis away from me with a third.

"Number Two. Such a pleasure to see you again." Setràkus Ra calls to me. I don't answer him. Instead I turn to Nico.

"Get rid of him!" I shout at Nico. He nods his head and is just about to wave his hand through the mist and disconnect Setràkus Ra to us when a large, sharp icicle suddenly shoots out from the ground and stabs him in the back, going right through his stomach.

"Nico!" I exclaim and look back towards the demigods. The fourth demigod has his arm raised towards Nico. He has Cryokinesis, just like Marina.

I rush towards Nico when I'm pulled back by telekinesis. I try to fight back but someone grabs me from behind and wraps one of their arms around my waist, holding both my arms down. I struggle against them, but they hold me so tight I can barely breathe.

I look back up at Setràkus Ra, who's watching all of this go down with an amused expression.

"Octavian, show Number Two what happens when you try to fight back against the Mogadorians." Setràkus Ra tells Octavian from behind me. I can literally hear his smirk as he breathes heavily, unsheathing an Imperial gold dagger.

And he slashes at me so much I can barely keep track of what's happening. I scream in pain, every slice seeming to get deeper and deeper. I scream at him- I beg him- to stop, thrashing and struggling the whole time. My vision gets blurry and I feel as sick as I did when I took the first drink. After what seems like hours, Octavian finally lifts his dagger away from my body. Through my blurry vision and the tears of pain, I'm able to see the massive amounts of blood pouring from the tears on my camp shirt and jeans. I breathe heavily and I'm shaking almost as badly as before the reverse drink, tears of pain streaming down my cheeks.

But I still manage to lift myself up to my knees, looking up at Setràkus Ra. He examines me closely and there's a new look in his pitch black eyes. Pity? No, if anyone here were to feel pity for me, it wouldn't be him.

Setràkus Ra tears his eyes away from me and looks down at the pile of demigods and Mogadorian, half of them unconscious on the ground. Bryce, Curtis and Remo seem to be knocked out while Nico and the unknown demigod are still awake. Nico, though, is still recovering from being stabbed with an icicle. He'll die soon if I don't do anything about it.

Uniting As The Ten- Part Two Of The Conclusion To The United SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now